Short:        Convert numbers (written in Hollywood 4)
Author:       Petr Kaderka "pecaN"
Uploader:     Petr Kaderka (pecank seznam cz)
Type:         util/conv
Version:      1.0
Architecture: ppc-morphos; ppc-amigaos; i386-aros

Tool for converting numbers written in Hollywood4.7

This is a bit enhanced "bigmac" version. Why "bigmac" ? Because Miloslav "bigmac" Martinka recommended this enhancement to me... thanx man! 
For more info please read themanual...

DecBinHex is a simple tool for converting decimal, binary and hexadecimal numbers. Please read manualEN+CZ.html for more

Thanx to Jaroslav "PROBER" Kabara for OS4 and AROS version betatesting !
Thanx to Miloslav "bigmac" Martinka for AROS version betatesting !

Toto je mirne vylepsena "bigmac" verze. "bigmac" proto, ze Miloslav "bigmac" Martinka se zaslouzil o jeji vylepseni svym navrhem - dik pane!
Pro vice info si prosim prectete manual...

DecBInHex je jednoducha utilitka pro konverzi desitkovych, dvojkovych a sestnactkovych cisel. Pro vice informaci si 
prosim prectete manualEN+CZ.html.

Diky moc "PROBEROVI" za betatest OS4  a AROS verze !
Diky moc Miloslavu "bigmac" Martinkovi za betatest AROS verze !