Short:        Calc. 32-bit Fowler-Noll-Vo hash of file
Author:       Wizardry and Steamworks
Uploader:     "Wizardry and Steamworks" <office grimore org>
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


         Compute a 32-bit Fowler-Noll-Vo hash of a Given Input File


>> About

This is a small command-line utility that computes a 32-bit Fowler-Noll-Vo
(FNV) hash of an input file supplied on the command line. The Fowler-Noll-Vo
hash is a non-cryptographic hash function created by Glenn Fowler, Landon
Curt Noll and Phong Vo. Compared to other hash functions, the FNV hash
function is a small hashing function. The implementation in this package
computes a 32-bit hash function from an input file and is implemented using
AmigaOS functions - optionally benefiting from asyncio.library if present. 

>> How to install

  1.) Extract the archive
  2.) Copy any desired optimised variant of bin/fnv32_* to C: (or any other
      directory in the executable path)

>> How to compile

The current implementation was written to be compiled with SAS/C but you can
compile it with whatever tool available that has the required AmigaOS
libraries and include files. You may need to download dev/c/AsyncIO.lha by
Magnus Holmgren since it contains the required include files. If needed, the
include files and libraries should be moved to the SAS/C folder (libs under
libs, include under include, etc...).

After all the includes and libraries are setup correctly, you can change
directory to "src" and then issue the command:

sc link fnv32.c

and it should result in a fnv32 binary file.

>> How to use

After copying the binary to an executable path, issue:

fnv32 input.txt

where input.txt is file.

The program should print out the FNV hash of the file.

You can also specify which bits to mask off but MASK (the default is 32):

fnv32 mask=16 input.txt

>> Project Website

More information on the FNV hash can be found at:

This implementation's website is at:


>> Feedback

You can reach us at:

   Wizardry and Steamworks