Short:        Displays *X like dir listings, with MultiUser support
Author:       TAJTI 'HiLandR' Attila <>
Uploader:     Tomika <hegedus mszi pmmf hu>
Type:         util/cli
Version:      0.99
Requires:     at least OS 2.0, versions for 3.0+ and '020+, utilizes MultiUser
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

   - versions for 2.0 & 3.0, 3.0 68020+. Not tested in 2.0.
   - highlighting is made via bold printing, this way it doesn't slow down your console output.
   - special flags: type, icon, comment:
      - type:  - file
               d dir
               l link dir
               s soft link (maybe file and dir)
               L link file
      - icon: object has an icon (a file with the same name with .info extansion)
      - comment: object has comment attached to it
   - doesn't show files ending with ".info" and starting with "." by default
   - multiuser support: print user and group NAMES
      - hilites user name and corresponding bits if current user is the owner or root
      - hilites group name and corresponding bits if current user belongs to owner's group
      - no user and group information displayed if none of the files have owner
      - displays rights only for current user by default
   - displays directory names hilited, with a slash append to them
   - shows object length in english by default
   - doesn't shows seconds by default
   - displays links
   - may sort by name, size, date, and dirs first sorts by name by default
   - calculates the width of the fields before displaying