Short:        ScreenSurf  surf to one screen to another
Author:       Denis OBRIOT
Uploader:     sidne club-internet fr
Type:         util/cdity
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

version:  	0.26 B 
requires: 	OS 3.0+
distribution:   MailWare

note:   It is a small commodities for pass from a screen
        to another directly
        With this new version surf also from a window 
        to another.and path to the next  
        open a window with the list of screen
        you can choice directly the screen 
        Install option on the workbench tool menu  

features: - Programm preference integred
 	    Support tooltype for active key
            Support all screenmode
            Localized (for this time french and english )
            Support gadget help
CONTACT WITH AUTHOR: snail:and email address in guide