Short:        Pop-up filerequester commodity, V1.1
Author: (Nick Christie)
Uploader:     nick christie oucs ox ac uk (Nick Christie)
Type:         util/cdity
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

PopFile is a small commodity intended for the WBStartup directory that
waits  for  you to press its hotkey. When you do, it opens an ASL file
requester and inserts the names of the files you select into the input
stream  of  the  active  window.  There is an option to have the names
expanded into fully qualified pathnames.

Version 1.1
o New option EXPANDNAMES asks PopFile not to expand paths of selected
  files and dirs, but input them as typed into the file requester.
o Tidied up source & optimized slightly.
o Now asks for V37 asl.library instead of V38. Not all facilities will
  be available, but it should still operate ok.
o Filerequester now persists between invocations, so it remembers  its
  last position, contents, etc.
o Initial height of filereq is now a bit bigger at 200 pixels, initial
  pattern excludes .info files.
o Plugged a small memory leak.

$VER: PopFile.readme 1.1 (26.7.95)