Short:        Cycle windows etc. by hotkeys
Author: (Heikki Linnakangas)
Uploader:     linna mits mdata fi (Heikki Linnakangas)
Type:         util/cdity
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

A program to cycle windows using hotkeys. It also allows you to activate
the frontmost screen using a hotkey, and an option to skip backdropped

Many people like to work with their keyboard without touching their mouse
very much. If you are one of them, you have probably noticed that it's hard
to activate a window without using mouse. The solution is NextWindow.
You can use it to cycle through the windows in the screen, until you reach
the window you want to use, without using your mouse. How about this:
you have loaded your favorite text editor, and have a shell activated in
another screen and you are doing dirs etc. Then you want to write some
text with the editor. You of course press Amiga-m and start to write, and
all the text you wrote, went to the shell. NextWindow also has a hotkey
for activating the frontmost screen and bringing the activated window also
to front.


  Heikki Linnakangas