Short:        Delta-Texter2:make ASCII text look cool
Author:       Lukasz Zelezny
Uploader:     Simone Bevilacqua (bevilacq cli di unipi it)
Type:         text/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                          NEW VERSION!

This is new version of Delta-Texter.This version is not write under
gui and Amiga Os. This is standard AMOS version. I wrote it for
all guys which have got Amiga 500. This version you can run on
OS1.3 and OS1.2 (99%). Thanx to Lersme Louvel for
POWER_Procedures. They are very cool! Thanx man. Also in this
program you can hear somethink. Hehe... this is my voice....
Ok... that are all news...

,----- -- -         - -- ------- --------.-S-- --------------------.
|    <: Lukasz Zelezny :>            ::::| N L. Zelezny         :::|
:                                      ::: A ul. Wloska 4d/6      :|
:  - IRC   : Delta - #AmigaPl and #AMISIA: I 42612 Tarnowskie Gory |
|                                       .| L    Poland            .|
`-------------- -- -         - -- -------'------------------ ---- -'