Short:        A sort of tagline (and more) inserter.
Author: (Jody Tierney)
Uploader:     jtierney cyberlink-inc com (Jody Tierney)
Type:         text/misc
Version:      0.7
Replaces:     text/misc/TheTagThing06b.lha
Requires:     WB 2.04+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  The Tag Thing is a sort of tagline chooser/inserter.  However, it isn't
limited to taglines; it can also be used for HTML or AmigaGuide tags, or who
knows what else.

  The Tag Thing relies on external commands or scripts (plug-ins) to handle
the actual insertion.  In this way The Tag Thing can support virtually any
program, even those which don't yet exist.  :-)

  - Multiple undos.
  - Improved search options.

  * Font-sensitive, resizable, style guide compliant GadTools GUI.
  * Tagline insertion is handled by external commands, thus virtually any
   program could be supported.  Currently there are ARexx scripts supporting:
      - The clipboard.
      - C-Net.
      - Cygnus Ed.
      - Digital Quill.
      - Ed.
      - Edge.
      - Term.
      - XDME.
      - YAM.
  * Random tagline selection.
  * Search forwards and backwards with support for AmigaDOS wildcards.
  * Multiple undos.
  * Included tag files:
    - AmigaGuide tags.
    - HTML 3.2 tags.
    - A few silly taglines.