Short:        Change "return" in GuoBiao (68k/Ppc/Wos)
Author: (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Uploader:     lanch mail caribusiness it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Type:         text/misc
Version:      1.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup; ppc-powerup

PowerPC and WarpOs versions added for massive speed-up in processing
 chinese texts.

Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.

============================= Archive contents =============================
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   12892    7586 41.1% 04-Apr-99 00:34:08  folding
    5988    2130 64.4% 04-Apr-99 00:32:30  folding.c
    1881     953 49.3% 04-Apr-99 16:33:30  folding.doc
   28652   10407 63.6% 03-Feb-00 12:44:14  folding_ppc
   18268    7260 60.2% 03-Feb-00 12:44:30  folding_wos
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   67681   28336 58.1% 03-Feb-00 12:45:34   5 files

Operation successful.