Short:        Makes html image tags automatically.
Author: (Risto Mäki-Petäys)
Uploader:     bass cadet sci fi (Risto Mäki-Petäys)
Type:         text/hyper
Version:      0.2
Requires:     -
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Status:       GPL

 I had designed plenty of html pages with a text editor, manually setting
the measures inside the image tags until I had an idea of making a program
to do the work automatically. There already existed wml, but it's too huge
and contained unix-shell-dependant scripts. I wrote the current version
(0.1) during 24 hours, so it may contain some irritating bugs. However, I
didn't encounter any on the test period. Currently the supported image
formats are GIF, JPEG and PNG. I didn't add any more, because those three
are the standard picture formats used in the web.

 I included the source, because I saw no reason to leave it lie on my
hard disk. It may be used for educational purposes, porting the program to
different platforms (it messes up the measures on Intel chips) or
customizing it to match your needs. If you've made an improvement or bug
fix, please inform me before spreading it.

The usage is very simple. Just type 'img2html pics/picture.jpg' and replace
the 'pics/picture.jpg' with path and name to the desired picture. Multiple
pictures may be read simultaneously by 'imghtml pic1 pic2'. You can either
grab the output to the clipboard via ConClip or PowerSnap or lead the
output to a file by 'img2html picture.jpg >> index.html'.

v0.2	Converting multiple files resulted same measures, FIXED!
v0.1	Initial release

Web site

then follow the 'bin' link.

20/06/1999 - R. Mäki-Petäys.
Copyright (C) 1999 Risto Mäki-Petäys.