Short:        French catalog for Heddley 1.20
Author:       NightLight Team.
Uploader:     bovier club-internet fr
Type:         text/hyper
Version:      1.0
Architecture: generic

Heddley 1.20 French (original cd and ct from the author included)
Original by: Philippe Bovier
Corrected by: Didier Giron

I'm very happy to see recently in Aminet a new release of Heddley uploaded
by  Richard  Lane.   After  seeing that Heddley search after if a .catalog
exist,  I  send a mail to Edd Dumbill If It's possible to have the original
.cd and .ct for a french translation of Heddley.  Edd send me the original
files and now a french version of Heddley exist.

Now  you  can  make  your translation for Heddley in your native language,
just  rename  french.ct  and  transform the french words by your language.
It'  not  easy  to have all the good keyboard shortcut and there is no all
the sentences as, for example, the warning before quitting and the warning
if you try to edit a guide before loading a guide...

Thanks for Richard Lane for uploading in Aminet Heddley120 and Edd Dumbill
for sending me the original .cd and .ct.