Short:        Bitmap font code page converter
Author: <Serge Mirnyi>
Uploader:     joker_tm chat ru (Serge Mirnyi)
Type:         text/font
Version:      2.3a
Replaces:     text/font/TransFont_2.3.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


The program is designed to convert bitmapped (ordinary) fonts from
one coding to another.

Some words about its capabilities:

 - Suitable for a font-sensitive GUI interface.
 - AppIcon support.
 - ToolTypes/CLI parameters to launch the program.
 - Built-in operation with the following codings:
   DM, DM2, 866 (MSDOS), Koi8r, 1251 (WIN).
 - Capability for using external recoding tables, comprising an
   ordinary text file, compatible with YAM charset files.
 - Optional export of the font in the asm source format.
 - Color font support.
 - Localization.

System requirements:

 - OS 3.0+
 - 020+ CPU

Bug reports, wishes and comments send to: Serge Mirnyi <>

                                                     Serge,  May 1999