Short:        GoldED (2.0) quickstarter.
Author: (Soeren Berg Hansen)
Uploader:     siera imada ou dk (Soeren Berg Hansen)
Type:         util/edit
Version:      1.3 * BUG-FIX *
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Status:       MailWare (You must send mail to the author, if you test this package!)


ED/GED is my replacement for the ED/GED quickstarter for GoldED. Some of the
things that bothered me was:

    · It didn't put control back to the shell, even if the stick bit was not

    · It couldn't load a new configuration file if GoldED is already started.

    · It couldn't go to another screen if GoldED is already started.

    · It did not support wildcards.

so I fixed the above. I also added the option to make it guess what 
configuration that goes with the file being loaded. It will look at the 
extension, and go from there. My version of GED is now pure, and can be made

The program is MailWare, this means, that if you use try  this  program,  and
even  if  you don't like it, you must send the author an email or a postcard.
Please think about the fact, that we have put some hours into  this  project,
and  have  used  time to distribute it onto the net. It would be very nice to
know, where it ended up! If you like the program, please let us know! If  you
didn't like it, or if it had some bugs, that made you throw it out, then tell
us too! We can not make changes to a program, if we don't know  where  people
want  the changes! Also we can not fix the bugs (others than the ones we find
our self) if you don't tell us, where they are and what they do.
