Short:        GED macro: puts src files into Proj list
Author: (Myra "M" Trochta)
Uploader:     trochtam risc upol cz (Myra "M" Trochta)
Type:         text/edit
Architecture: generic

When I make a C or C++ program, I hold all the #?.c, #?.h, #?.o and all
other stuff in one directory. Sometimes it's not easy to find a source
file in GED's file requester. So I started to use the Project feature but
I was too lazy to maintain the list by hand. So I made this simple macro.
It scans current directory for source files and puts them into the Project
list. I use it as GoldEd startup macro. Sure it works only if you run
GoldEd from the right directory, e.g. by double-clicking on source file's
icon or from SAS C Project Manager. The icon's default tool must be
e.g. ged, not c:ged

If you want to use it with any other language, just change the filename
pattern in the macro. I did not do it myself, because I don't know all
the suffixes used in E, Modula, Oberon etc.

For more info see the source code.