Short:        140BPM hardtrance by Acid Frog (Pt3.15,4ch)
Author:       Acid Frog (Zznic Crew)
Uploader:     ikosak alf tel hr (Ivan Kosak)
Type:         mods/techn
Architecture: generic

Sorry for crap english,not my language.

e-mail your comments...(if stinks or it's good,e-mail me)

Zznic Crew was came to aminet ...
Made in Pt3.15,303 sequences maked with 303emu2,also used Mod2Sam,GVPdss8+

Hello to Genacid,Hlloyge,Vox everyone who create music on AMIGA !!!

Zznic Crew projects :name      aminet  style
+++++++++++++++++++++--------- ------  -----------------------------------
                     Acid Frog  {af}   ( acid , house )
                     Genacid    {gen}  ( acid , hard acid )
                     Sadista    {sad}  ( gabba , hard acid )
                     Zabba      {zab}  ( gabba , hard trance , hard acid )

original   packed ratio        date  name
    1681      269 83.9% 11.mar.1998. file_id.diz
  987942   428475 56.6% 11.mar.1998. mod.smoke_it
     809      422 47.8% 11.mar.1998. smoke_it.readme
  990432   429166 56.6% 11.mar.1998. 3 files