Short:        A new tune by DJ Hotcakes...  Featuring some German doods, and other stuff!  (I think)
Author:       DJ Hotcakes (Toby Zuijdveld)
Uploader:     hotcakes abacus net au (Hotcakes)
Type:         mods/techn
Replaces:     Sven.lha
Architecture: generic

	My name is Sven!

Well, OK, I tell a lie.


It's a four letter word at least.  And it starts with S.

Well OK I lie again.  But T is pretty close :)

I like techno.

Dribble dribble ramble blah crap etc yak.

I'm not putting much effort into this readme.  I'm tired.  CYA.

You want to contact me for any reason?  Just send an EMail to the uploader
address at the top of this file.  Or you can visit my page at :

Well, that should just about do it this time.  CATchas in my next release!

Oh, well, I better describe the module I guess.

Tism basediased around-da-moulbery-bush sum rickhead germanish (i think!)
choon eye herd orn SBS Radio sum monkeys front.

It's cryptic.  No really.  (Eek.)

The first person to tell me what it says gets a big fat sloppy kiss.

Unless you live too far away (couple of blocks) in which case tell your best
looking relative that I said you get to kiss them.

Unless you don't have any relatives in which case kiss a friend.

And why don't IBuMs have anything like DeliTracker2?

The most extensive player for IBuM I've seen supported about 10 formats tops.

While us Amy owners have been listening to over 75 module formats ranging from
synth to sample, from up to 128 channels, for years now.

It's such a shame IBuMs are so crap.

Send flame mail on :

Sorry for the rerelease.