Short:        The BEST nibbler clone
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is really the FINAL nibbler clone.. I don't think that there will be
more nibbler clones aftermore...

NSX (N-ibbler S-uper e-X-tra) is based on that same idea (as always before).
but with lots of extras........

What are the standards features:

	- Standard nibby in mazes....eating more=longer nibby....

	- .........

What are these extra features:

	- first better graphics than all other clones, for mazes,  nibby
	  and others. thins is the most important advantage of nsx.
		- impressing 64 colors screens...
		- different maze graphics for each world...
		- background animations for each world....

	- Sound fx, music, hi-score saving, game over sequence,
	  lots of levels (55 in final version in 5 worlds.. at present)

	- Lots of extra features... Some are different from other clones
	  such as pacman, ghost, lemming.... There are two 'nibby vs lemmy'
	  anims in the final version with 25 frames per one....

	- fave rock-tune.... as in my first 'nibbler' and 'nibbler+' 
  	  (can be found on aminet in directory /game/misc)...

	- not so well-known maze types... (???)

	- even A500 with 512K chip mem compatible....OCS/ECS/AGA,v1.2+

	- game over sequence (on/off), nib-lemm anims on/off, music/fx,
	  lives 3 -->9 selections...

	- A certain datatype to allow people release extra levels...

	- Get this, get one of the best PD's ever.....