Short:        Educational games from F1Software
Author:       dean wood
Uploader:     phil ware5d demon co uk (Phil Wilkinson)
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Action:       disk must be named "HermansEDAdventureDEMO"

Introducing  HERMAN  and his collection of fun and educational games.  This
demo  is designed to run from RAM, so anyone with a standard A1200 can take
a  peek  at the program.  The full version can ONLY be run from hard drive,
so remember that this is just for fun.

The archive should be unpacked to a floppy disk called:


It can be unpacked to hard drive and assigned if you like ;)

Once  on  the floppy, open the disk icon via workbench and double-click the
large icon containing Herman.  The game should then set-up automatically in
RAM,  if when you open the ram disk icon there is no sign of Herman a small
problem as occured with LHA ie you don't have it :(

Most users will have LHA on their system or boot disk, if not you will have
to  copy  it  from  the  herman  disk  to your "C" directory.  Once this is
completed run the install icon again and away you should go.


All comments are welcome.

---> 16.11.97 <---