Short:        GAV - GPL Arcade Volleyball
Author:       Various (Port by Andrea Palmatè)
Uploader:     andrea amigasoft net (Andrea Palmatè)
Type:         game/misc
Version:      0.8.0
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0

GAV stands for GPL Arcade Volleyball, and is an SDL remake of the old dos game
Arcade Volleyball for several platform (currently Linux, Windows, BeOS and Mac
OS X are supported). So far it is playable already, but we are planning on
introducing several extra features with respect to the original game, while
still preserving its sheer addictiveness! So far we already added:

# themes support
# networking game
# more than 2 players games
# several configuration options

# Why AV?

It is fun. Play it for awhile: it is simple, fast, it just catches on. It's
silly -- yes -- but try and play it with friends. It takes 5 seconds to figure
out how to play, and the 'funky' physics somehow just appeals. You could see it
as a 'party' game; say you're throwing a party, you'd have that sort of game in
the middle of several drinks, projected on a large screen, to have people have
fun, engage in tournaments and laugh all through the game. Just as you'd have
with, say, pong. You wouldn't play Warcraft or Flight Simulator in those
situations, or would you. Even for a nerds' party we're talking about.
I was playing this game at school... :D 
during lessons..

Enjoy. And please make an os4 theme.. :D
