Short:        The best German Kniffel-Game ever!!!
Author: (Lars Eing)
Uploader:     wieila hsw-serv hs-wismar de (Lars Eing)
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Kurz:         Ganz tolles Kniffel Spiel, ey :)

This is the best German Kniffel Version ever been (i think :).
- Highscore Top 10
- Easy handling 
- Nice sounds
- Load/Save your games
- Playing until an amount of points is reached
- Nice GFX
- An extra A1200 Version
- Lots of fun :)

It doesn't support gfx-cards but you can use programs
like newmode or mcp to let it live on a gfxcard-screen :)

It was written in BB2 in 1995 but now i think everybody
should have the chance to play this really nice game :)

Sorry German guide and onscreen texts only :(