Short:        Replacement Backdrops for F1GP
Author:  (Gavin Mclean)
Uploader:     fast f1world demon co uk  (Gavin Mclean)
Type:         game/data
Requires:     game/misc/F1GP-Ed.lha (REGISTERED)
Architecture: generic

                   Formula One Grand Prix Backdrops
                   Created by Gavin Mclean

This Archive contains 11 images, that can be used as replacement
Backdrops for Formula One Grand Prix.
To use them you must have F1GP-ED v3.30+ by Oliver Roberts.

Picture Descriptions

Most of these pictures are taken from the 1997 season.
I grabbed them all from various video sources.

These were converted using Oliver Roberts F1Gp-Palette Arexx script
and PPaint.

If you have any comments send email to:
or visit my website at.......


....where you can download other f1gp and formula one things.