Short:        Cardset for Klondike 2/3 By $LiNg$HoT.
Uploader:     sys2jal doc ntu ac uk
Type:         game/think
Architecture: generic

Heres my first attempt at a cardset for the superb AGA patience game -
Klondike AGA.  Heres some stats:

- 256 Colours ( For sharp, clear images )
- 59 cards ( Four extra ones at the bottom of the screen ).
- Pictures taken from the Walnut Creek CDROM - "Space & Astronomy"

During development of this set I used:

A1200/030/40Mhz/6MB/Apple300E+ CDROM/1942,
Brilliance 1.0 ( Great program! ).

I hope you enjoy it!

Look out for further cardsets coming soon....

 ******_******************************************************* ******
* _   // C=    * Simpsons, Highlander, ST:TNG, Kung Fu: TLC, X-Files *
* \ // Amiga  * Letterman Fan and Amiga owner of the first order :) *
*  X/  Rulez  *                                                     *
* ------------ - ----------- --------------------------------------- *
* A1200/030/40Mhz/6Meg/730HD/AppleCD300+ SCSI2 CD-ROM/1942 DualSync  *
* ************* ************** ********************************* *** *
* .James Allen.              * EMail:     * AI/ *
* AKA $LiNG$hOT/DiMeNTiA U.K *    * AI/ *
* **************************** ********************************* *** *
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