Short:        Another GameMap For Worms.
Author:       Ian Young.
Uploader:     IYoung flooring demon co uk (Ian Young)
Type:         game/data
Architecture: generic

Olde Castle
Here's my third map for worms.
For a challenge use only shotgun and grenades and turn everything else off
including blowlamp and teleport.
If you like this map then let me know - I may make some more.
Do not change the 4 numbers in the name as they define the
gravity/friction settings etc.

 Amiga 1200-,GVP A1230II+50mhzCoPro,2+4mb,3xSpeed Tosh.CDRom,Canon BJC4000.

 Sega Saturn.           Windoze '95 - Workbench '96,'97,'98,'99............