Short:        Worms DC Landscapes 'High-Quality'
Uploader:     putz_f istvax ist lu (Fred Puetz)
Type:         game/data
Architecture: generic
Autor:        Puetz Fred           (14 July 97)

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Hey guys,

This archive contains 3 'high-quality' selfmade landscapes and 
1 mountain background for the amazing WORMS Director's Cut from TEAM 17.

Name:          Description:
-----          ------------

Beasty	       It's name says it all... 
	       It really looks good and I am proud of this one... 
	       Needs Beasty.MNT mountains as background !!!	
	       Low Gravity - High Friction

Egypt          This one is the first landscape I created.
	       Rick D. would have liked it !
	       Normal Gravity - Highest Friction

Citroen        Ok, it may be a bit fanatic, but I just had to do it.
               Low Gravity - Highest Friction
To get some other Worms playgrounds visit my web-page...
the address is in this message's footer... so look below...

Please drop some comments about the playgrounds by mail...
see above... I am the uploader...

That's all... Bye...

|                                                                      |
| Fred Puetz              A     //  /      If You see one of these    |
| 15, rue du Castel       M    //  //     persons... GREET them !    |
| L-4525 Niederkorn       I   //  //                                 |
| Tel/Fax: 585930       G  //  // /    M.Hellers, T.Fackelstein,  |
|  or Tel: 587525       A //     //     S.Ronck,   F.Di Sabatino,  |
|                       _//     //      E.Gille,   M.Weiten,       |
| Machine: A4000/060     _/     // DS    Y.Grethen, R.Pierrot.      |
|                                                                      |
| Go and visit my web-page:  |
|                                                                      |