-------------------------------------------------------- { DOOM on the Amiga, Frequently Asked Questions Document } -------------------------------------------------------- Document Version 0.3 pcomm@inorbit.com · This is just my attempt to try and bring some order to the recent reign of confusion that surrounds the recent release of the Linux Doom Source Code, and the subsequent release of several ports. I myself am just a "laymen", and have no affiliation with anyone but myself. The information detailed in this document may or may not be correct, it is just what I *think*. So there :-) Before the questions, some background information.... There exists three seperate ports, (that I know of). AmigaDoom, AmiDoom and ADoom. ADoom appears to be distributed via Aminet. AmiDoom seems to be using web page distribution channels so far. Not sure about AmiDoom. ___________________________________________________________ C O N T E N T S --------------- ·ADoom ·AmigaDoom ·AmiDoom ·WADS ·Notes and Things ·TCP/IP Play ·Cheats ·Command Line Options ·Questions Then (the FAQ bit) ·Moi (Author Bit) ___________________________________________________________ ADoom (Ported by Peter McGavin (p.mcgavin@irl.cri.nz)) ----- This is my port of choice. It requires only the ADoom archive from aminet, and a WAD. ECS is supported, as is AGA. CyberGraphics is also supported. "A 68020+ Amiga running at least OS 2.1, with at least about 8 Mb RAM." is required, as quoted from the Docs :-) It does not require an FPU, or an MMU. AGA speed is increased by using MCP c2p hacks/patches or by installing WPA8 from aminet. Although some people says this makes it worse. Oh well :-) ADoom remaps F11, F12 and PAUSE keys to [, ] and HELP respectively. So press [ to change the Gamma correction (brightness....) and HELP to pause. I advise you to pause the game before you flip back to workbench :-) ADoom Features: Sound, Joystick, TCP/IP Play, Multitasking Seems that ADoom can be "patched for 020 speedups" via a program called patchfor020 on aminet. Not sure if it makes it faster though :-) AmigaDoom (Ported by Trance) --------- I've not tried this port myself yet. It requires ixemul.library, AHI and RTGMaster. Everyone should have ixemul.library by now anyway, but if you havn't, get it from aminet. I've heard (Dave Fisher <davef@thenet.co.uk>'s posting to the CU mailing list, hope he doesn't mind me quoting him...) that its availible at http://www.dtrance.ch/doom/download/ixemul-47.2.lzx also. AHI, again, aminet is the place to get it from. RTG master the same, but this is also availible at http://www.dtrance.ch/doom/download/rtgmaster_user.lha it seems. AmiDoom itself is at http://www.pluk.com/ so go there to find the latest version. See later for info on WADS. (YOU NEED A WAD!) I think early versions required an FPU.. If you want to change the screen mode after you have saved a selected one, when the program loads hold down SHIFT. Now supports sound. AmiDoom (Ported by Marcus Geelnard (e4geeln@etek.chalmers.se)) ------- Only just heard about this one, so, from the .readme that comes with it.. The minimum required system for running AmiDoom is: * 68020 (no FPU needed) * 2MB of continous free ram + roughly 1MB * OCS/ECS/AGA or a graphics-card which supports 256 colors in lowres * AmigaOS 2.0+ (or 3.1+ for best gfx-card support) * ixemul.library v45 or later * A proper wad-file (I have only tested the Doom I shareware wad) However, I recommend at least: * 68030-50MHz * 4 to 8MB of 32-bit FAST memory Doesn't support Sound. Although I might have an old version, (0.1) WADS ---- Ok, THIS is the bit that everyone is confused about, I think. All DOOMS require a WAD, this contains all the game information, like sounds, graphics, level details etc. etc. If you don't want to pay for one, use the Shareware WAD from the original Shareware DOOM. This is availible at http://www.dtrance.ch/doom/download/Doom-[Shareware].lzx and http://www.pluk.com/ I think. This is the ONLY WAD you can use without paying. If you want to use all the hundreds of custom WADS and 3rd party levels (say from ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/) you need the commercial WAD. This contains loads of more information that these custom 3rd party WADS don't contain but the game needs. You can get this WAD by buying the Doom game and copying it over to your Adoom/AmiDoom directory. You can then use them by doing "Adoom -file custom.wad" etc. You are NOT paying for ADoom or AmiDoom, but for the commercial WAD. Sure, ID software gave the source away, but they still want money :-)) Its only about 9.99 UKP, so go and buy it... maybe it'll encourage ID to give us the source to more games :-) When you add a custom.wad via -file, it replaces one or more of the levels. The level and episode should be given in the .txt file that belongs to the WAD. E2L3 would mean that the wad replaces Level 3 on episode 2. Therefore, to play that new level, you need to play the game until you get to level 3, after selecting episode 2. (The second one on the list....) OR you can jump to that section by typing in IDCLEV23. To jump to E1L3 it would be IDCLEV13, etc. Sometimes you might see E3M3, but it means the same thing, they just used the word mission, instead of level I guess :-) Alternatively, you can warp straight to the level, by using the command line, adoom -file whatever.wad -devparm -warp 2 5 -skill <skill number> Where <skill number> is in the range 1 to 5. Notes and Things ---------------- If you have trouble downloading files from the web using IBrowse or Voyager or anything, *make sure* you are downloading them via the popup menu that appears when you press the right mouse button over the link. Select download to disk, or whatever. Or you can sometimes hold the shift button when you left click on the filename. I always use "wget" from aminet to download files like this. Just do "wget http://what.ever/thing.lzx". Wget needs Ixemul.library though, so you can't use it to download ixemul.library :-) Oh, and you DON'T need the source to play it, as some people seem to think :-) Doom is 320x200, so selecting a screen mode larger than this will just make it use a small area of the screen, so there is no point really :-) TCP/IP Play ----------- This is supported in ADoom, although its said to be too slow to use yet really. The syntax is adoom -net <player number> <ipadresses of *other* players> eg. adoom -net 1 or adoom -net 1 machine.one.net machine.two.net hamster.machine.net I don't know if AmiDoom supports this yet. You can ONLY play against people using Linux Doom. (and people on Amiga's, of cause :-) CHEATS ------ These are taken from http://www.pluk.com/, and ftp.cdrom.com IDMYPOS - Position IDDQD - God Mode IDDT x1 - All Map IDDT x2 - All Map & Monsters IDKFA - All Ammo, Keys, And Weapons IDCLEV## - ##=Level Number IDCHOPPERS - Chainsaw IDSPISPOPD - No Clipping Mode, means you can walk through walls IDBEHOLD - Menu, then press one of: I - Invisibility V - Invulnerablility S - Beserker Pack R - Radiation Suit A - Area Map L - Light Amp Command Line Options -------------------- Not sure about all these yet, seems there are loads. These are the ones I know of though, and what I *think* they do :-) Also, I've not checked they all work... -devparm Allows you to use "special" command line options. This is normally needed... also, in MS-DOS Doom at least, this will let you press F1 to get a 256 screen capture in pcx format. Dunno if it works here though, I'll test it later :-~) -warp # $ Warp to episode #, level $ -skill # Start with skill level # (between 1-5) -respawn Baddies just keep on coming :-) 8 seconds after you kill them, they regenerate.... -record [file] Records the action into [file] -maxdemo # Sets maximum size (in k) of the recorded demo -playdemo [f] Plays back the action from [f] -loadgame # Loads # saved game (number, between 0-5) -deathmatch Deathmatch mode. Otherwise, uses Cooperative mode -episode # Starts episode # (1-3). Default is Episode One, Knee-Deep in the Dead. -nomonsters Guess :-) -fast Fast monsters, like in Nightmare mode -turbo Makes your bloke run faster :-) between 1-255 -avg Ends game in 20 minutes -nojoy Turns off joystick -nosfx Turns off sound fx -nosound Turns off sound. Questions Then (the FAQ bit) ---------------------------- Q. "Error: R_TextureNumForName: SW1BLUE not found" What does this mean ? A. You have named the shareware WAD as doom.wad, it should be named as doom1.wad. I'm using doom1.wad, which is 4196020 bytes. If yours is that size, call it doom1.wad, remove all the other wads, and off you go :-) --- Q. Did you know there are 2 other ports called Doom ? A. Nope :-) /me does some research, and finds doom110_1.lha. dunno who did it though. :-) --- Moi --- Nicholas Piper Piper Communications pcomm@inorbit.com http://pcomm.home.ml.org/ (Its old, very old. Too old. Don't visit. Unless you like frogs. Or Mushrooms.) ·PGP·Keys·are·stored·at··http://www.innotts.co.uk/~nicholas/PCOMMKEY.PGP·· [2048 Bits] 9CD13719 Nicholas C. Piper <pcomm@inorbit.com> [High Security] [768 Bits] 66041181 Nicholas C. Piper <pcomm@inorbit.com> ··········································································