Short:        Amazing System Browser and Debugger
Author: (Jason R. Hulance)
Type:         dev/e
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Explorer 2.1j
Allows you to browse around memory as E objects (which are like C structs).

New features:

  o Save and Load a set of modules as an Explorer config file.
    Loading this is *much* faster than reloading the individual
    modules again.
  o Comes complete with a config file of the standard Amiga system
    modules, so Explorer can now even be used by C users or other
    people who don't know the wonders of Amiga E.
  o Updated GUI -- now uses EasyGUI v3.3b.
  o More complete ARexx messaging (very simple via the supplied
    sendExplorer.m module).
  o Links in with EDBG v3.3a (which will be released soon!).