Short:        Online reference guide for AmigaE.
Author: (Sven Steiniger)
Uploader:     ss37 irz inf tu-dresden de (Sven Steiniger)
Type:         dev/e
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

 Imagine the following situation: You write a new program in AmigaE and you
 want to open a screen. Everybody now says you can do that with OpenS(). But
 do you know the Syntax? Now you open and browse through the chapters
 to find this keyword. This may take a long time.
 Wouldn't it be fine to have a online reference system? You just press a key
 and a description of the word under the cursor is shown. At the beginning of
 this year I had this idea and wrote

 And here are the features:
   - a own node exists for every keyword of AmigaE
   - two indeces exists: in alphabetical and syntactical order
   - heavy amount of hyperlinks. E.q. the page for String()-keyword has links
     to all string-related pages.
   - extra GoldED script for online reference