Short: Cut, copy and paste files in Workbench Author: Rob Cranley Uploader: robcranley gmail com (Rob Cranley) Type: util/wb Version: 1.1 Requires: Workbench 3.5+ Architecture: generic WBCutnPaste ~~~~~~~~~~~ WBCutnPaste is a small collection of ARexx scripts which provide basic cut, copy and paste file actions to Workbench. It optionally adds menu items to the Tools menu, or can be used with your favourite hotkey or menu editor I wrote the basic versions of these scripts many years ago, and have now been reminded of them and so have decided to tidy them up and release them for anyone else who may find them useful. Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ WBCutnPaste requires: - OS 3.5+ (Tested on OS 3.9, 3.1.4 and 4.1) - ARexx running (RexxMast should be started at a higher priority if it's in WBStartup so that it's available before the script starts) Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation by hand is easy: 1) Copy WBCut.rexx, WBCopy.rexx and WBPaste.rexx to REXX: 2) Either drop WBCutnPasteMenu.rexx (and its icon) into WBStartup to add the relevant entries to the Tools menu, or else use your favourite menu or hotkey program to add the shortcuts to the scripts yourself. ToolsDaemon, THE, FKey, AllKeys etc. should work fine. Usage ~~~~~ Once set up, you should now have three menu items in the Tools menu: - WBCut (Shortcut RAmiga+X) This item will make a list of the selected files in the current window to be moved to a new location. Once pasted, the files will be removed from their old location. - WBCopy (Shortcut RAmiga+G) This item will make a list of the selected files in the current window to be duplicated at a new location. - WBPaste (Shortcut RAmiga+V) This item takes a previous list of selected files and either moves them or copies them to the currently active drawer window. If the files already exist, you will be asked whether to skip or replace them. If a cut or copied drawer already exists and you choose Replace or Replace All, the new contents of the drawer will overwrite the old contents, but any existing files that aren't overwritten by cut or copied files with the same name will remain untouched. In other words, the drawer contents will be merged with the existing drawer. Files copied and pasted to the same location will be duplicated with modified names, similar to the original Workbench Copy command. OS 4 Use ~~~~~~~~ Please note that, while these scripts work fine on OS4, they don't use the same clipboard as the Workbench context menu, and therefore files cut or copied with these scripts can't be pasted with the context menu paste option, and vice versa. History ~~~~~~~ 1.1 (20.06.2020) - Added file checks to avoid errors when nonexistent files are pasted - Switched from using dummy variables to using CALL 1.0 (15.06.2020) - First release.