Short: Script: Connect yourself to the Borg collective Author: John Doe of 3 Kelvin Uploader: h kroehnert abo freiepresse de (Heiko Kröhnert = E K of 3 Kelvin) Type: util/batch Requires: util/sys/wait.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos Kurz: Skript: Verbindet euch mit dem Borg-Kollektiv Long: This script actually does nothing else than opening a window and printing some weird stuff into it. Installation: Courier.font must be in your FONTS: drawer. Get Wait.lha from util/sys and unpack it. Rename the "wait" program to "wait2". Copy "wait2" to C: Doubleclick "Connect". Customizing: Edit Tooltypes (WINDOW=...) The "Wait" replacement: (c) Gerd Wieczorek (