Short: Dr_Ash's Professional UrouHack Gadgets Author: (Ash Thomas) Uploader: cs95abt brunel ac uk (Ash Thomas) Type: pix/icon Architecture: generic A professional gadget set for use with Urouhack v1.7 Thanks must go out to Tinic Urou for the excellant program. I disliked the current gadgets avaliable, there weren't any which looked professional. I drew my own which use the standard 8 mwb colours for the gradients and the gadgets. I dislike sets who's background colours dont match the selected window, they don't seem to integrate with the workbench. Mine have the same background colour as the window and look like a part of the window. If you have any suggestions on areas i can improve these gadget, please contact me. To install: 1. Copy the AshProGads drawer to s: 2. Alter the UrouHack command to C:Urouhack IMGSTYLE=AshProGads 3. Reboot Thanks to the support of my friends on #amiga IRC who (after seeing my workbench) urged me to upload the gadgets to Aminet, and commented on how professional they looked. These icons were drawn over several days, and have had minor alterations ever since. I used the excellant PPaint 7.1 (thanks Michael) Ash Thomas (Dr_Ash on IRC)