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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
PlaycatCDXL.lha pix/anim 1142 3.8M 1998-05-30 generic icon Playing Cat (CDXL Video Ham6+Sound) - (readme)
PlaneView.lha pix/anim 214 207K 1994-07-05 generic icon Ray Traced Anim in HAM Format. - (readme)
PlanetusTales.lha 1 pix/anim 253 2.7M 1998-08-01 generic icon TGM (T.G.M.) a Planetus Tale (425 frames) - (readme)
PlanetaryFlyBy.lha pix/anim 211 470K 1995-02-11 generic icon Pete W Storonskij\'s Awesome Animation - (readme)
PlaneMorph.lha full pix/anim 250 3.2M 1998-07-08 generic icon IFF-anim7 morphing airplanes animation - (readme)
plane.lha pix/anim 219 501K 1996-03-15 generic icon 20 frame ham8 anim of f16 - (readme)
Pixelworks.lha pix/anim 232 375K 1996-05-01 generic icon Fireworks anim 320x400x5x120 - (readme)
Pigxxx.lha pix/anim 319 2.1M 1996-10-23 generic icon \"Pig XXX\" animation from Poland - (readme)
Piggybank.lha pix/anim 272 74K 1996-11-16 generic icon Animation (anim5) of a piggy bank. - (readme)
picaoanims.lha pix/anim 223 490K 1999-04-13 generic icon Portuguese anims with sound from Picao - (readme)
phantastic2.lha pix/anim 214 658K 1995-05-06 generic icon Four .anims created with the PD morpher Phantasmos. - (readme)
PExplode.lha pix/anim 232 809K 1995-02-07 generic icon Particle-Explosion created by Dust1.50 and Imagine3.1 - (readme)
Pendxl.lha pix/anim 228 294K 1996-05-01 generic icon Swinging pendulum 640x512x8x68 - (readme)
Peace.animHAM8.lha pix/anim 252 1.9M 1993-03-18 generic icon 50 frame 320x512 HAM8 Anim5 - (readme)
PCGdemo.lha pix/anim 226 251K 1993-12-21 generic icon Winning AGA Animation for PCG Demo contest 1993 - (readme)
paypervi.lha pix/anim 205 161K 1998-01-25 generic icon Dotty Animation - (readme)
Parttwo.lha pix/anim 224 125K 1996-05-01 generic icon Cartoon anim 320x256x4x190 - (readme)
Partone.lha pix/anim 219 116K 1996-05-01 generic icon Cartoon anim 320x256x4x145 - (readme)
partico.lha pix/anim 235 287K 1994-05-25 generic icon A little animation by to show off the particles of IMAGINE V3.0 - (readme)
particletest.lha pix/anim 224 239K 1994-06-25 generic icon Imagine30 HamAnim, with staging,etc - (readme)
Particle.lha pix/anim 232 419K 1993-11-19 generic icon Anim demo of Particle anim in Imagine 2.9 - (readme)
Parking.lha pix/anim 236 1.5M 1996-10-12 generic icon Small anim of a car parking B/W - (readme)
PAPDemo.lha pix/anim 266 396K 1994-04-26 generic icon Demo anim of new program for OpalPaint: by Carmen Rizzolo - (readme)
PanelOAnim.lha pix/anim 306 2.2M 1993-08-10 generic icon OpalAnimMate anim by Carmen Rizzolo. Ad for OpalPaint Arexx Script - (readme)
Panel32Anim.lha pix/anim 296 1.1M 1993-08-10 generic icon 32-colour Anim by Carmen Rizzolo. Ad for an OpalPaint Arexx Script - (readme)
Panel2-32.lha pix/anim 272 2.1M 1993-12-04 generic icon 32 colour anim by Carmen Rizzolo. 3 objs with panel effects - (readme)
Paddle.lha pix/anim 218 320K 1997-12-17 generic icon No story, just color,pattern and sound - (readme)
PacDr.lha pix/anim 271 4.1M 1996-10-24 generic icon \"Pacman Drama\" animation from Poland - (readme)
P2-rev.lha pix/anim 290 1.3M 1993-02-24 generic icon 1.8 Meg, 15-bit OpalVision animation by Carmen Rizzolo - (readme)
Ostrich.lha pix/anim 201 212K 1997-02-18 generic icon Simple amin of an ostrich - (readme)
OrbitalAnim.lha pix/anim 227 15K 1995-10-27 generic icon Orbital animation - (readme)
Operito1.lha 1 pix/anim 242 1.2M 1998-08-06 generic icon TGM (T.G.M.) Christmas Greetings (494 frames) - (readme)
old_anim.lha pix/anim 229 153K 1999-06-17 generic icon Few very old animations by PopoCop/RetroActive - (readme)
Oldclock.lha pix/anim 259 3.2M 1996-10-27 generic icon 24 fr./sec. animation from Poland - (readme)
oko.lha pix/anim 238 28K 1999-04-19 generic icon I used to be crazy but I\'m much better now! - (readme)
Oinker.lzh pix/anim 221 884K 1994-06-10 generic icon A VLab/ADPro animation - (readme)
Oh_DPaint.lha pix/anim 232 745K 1995-01-09 generic icon A difference between Mouse and DPaint - (readme)
NuHand.lha pix/anim 270 411K 1989-05-02 generic icon Animation of fingernails on desktop. - (readme)
nudegallery.lha pix/anim 264 1.2M 1995-04-01 generic icon FlyingSaucerWithAnArtInterest - (readme)
nt_anim5.lha pix/anim 216 437K 1996-08-21 generic icon Anim5 animations made with NTitlerPro - (readme)
ntprodem.lha pix/anim 235 849K 1996-07-17 generic icon Animation made with Navigator Titler Pro. - (readme)
NotBoingAgain.lha 1.0 pix/anim 298 293K 1989-03-28 generic icon Animation by Dr Gandalf. V1.0 - (readme)
NoEntry.mpg pix/anim 257 1.6M 1996-12-07 generic icon Fantastic raytraced animation - (readme)
NNeonOV.lha pix/anim 271 2.9M 1993-03-21 generic icon OpalVision format animation by Carmen Rizzolo. Very colourful. - (readme)
nixanims2.lha pix/anim 272 6.5M 1997-10-05 generic icon Some ANIMs - (readme)
nixanims1.lha pix/anim 292 6.0M 1997-10-13 generic icon Some old Anims that have sat unplayed on my hd for ages - (readme)
NewtonianAnim.lha pix/anim 227 232K 1995-10-27 generic icon Newtonian animation - (readme)
newmaku.mpg pix/anim 183 205K 1998-02-08 generic icon (ALN) MPEG Version of the new MAKU-LOGO Anim. - (readme)
NewHope.mpg pix/anim 290 895K 1996-07-26 generic icon MPEG of opening scene from Star Wars, done with A1200 - (readme)
neuron.lha pix/anim 222 655K 1995-04-20 generic icon SynapticFire - (readme)
Found 980 matching packages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >8< 9 10 ... 16 17 18 19 20
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