Short:        Two landscape scenes created with Genesis:The Third Day.
Author: (Jeff Lann)
Uploader:     jlann onmacon com (Jeff Lann)
Type:         pix/anim
Architecture: generic


   These are two scenes I created using Genesis:The Third Day landscape
generating software. I was impressed with the results after just four tries.
They were created on an A500 with a Blizzard 14 mhz (68000) Turbo Memory
board holding 6 megs of fast ram. My Ami only has 1 meg chip ram. :( They
can be viewed with just about any viewer you can think of. I prefer Fastview
myself as it adjusts everthing to fit the screen with a minimum of
scrolling. :) These are both overscan pics.

    These are freeware and may be distributed anywhere. They can also be viewed on any Amiga.