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Short:Warp3 FullFonts Euro-Set6b (type,TTF,pfb)
Author: warp3 at
Uploader:warp3 gmx fr
Version:2009 (released)
Download:text/tfont/ - View contents


* Dix-sept polices complètes & originales
* Inclus: signe "Euro" (€) à l'emplacement du signe "monnaie" (¤) (ASCII 164)
* Compugraphic '.type', Adobe encoded '.pfb'
* Versions spéciales True Type (TTF) pour utilisateurs du SE Amiga ou Windows
* Voir (dans pix/illu/) W3Font6b-pic1.png & W3Font6b-pic2.png
   pour un aperçu des polices !
* Lire la documentation (en english !) liée aux polices pour plus d'infos
	Passez un bon moment !


* Seventeen freeware, complete and original fonts.
* Included: euro symbol (€) at currency (¤) (ASCII 164) location
* Compugraphic '.type', Adobe encoded '.pfb'
* Special True Type (TTF) versions for IBM PC user and Amiga user
* Download first W3Font6b-pic1.png & W3Font6b-pic2.png
    pictures to preview the fonts easily!
* Please read the joined documentation for further informations


* Siebzehn VollSchriftarts; Frei und original.
* "Euro" (€) zu "Wechselgeld" (¤) (ASCII 164) gesetz
* Compugraphic '.type', Adobe '.pfb'
* Sonder-Versions True Type (TTF) für IBM PC oder Amiga Benutzer
* Sehen Sie die W3Font6b-pic1.png & W3Font6b-pic2.png
    an für ein prompt Einblick erkennen!
* Bitte lesen die vereinigt Dokumentation für mehr
	Viel Spaß!

Contents of text/tfont/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//text/tfont/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-19-09 23:23  00000000  W3Font6b/A-TTF/
   86968  Defl:N    44426  49%  09-19-09 06:17  aa190d41  W3Font6b/A-TTF/Blotter.ttf
   49360  Defl:N    19846  60%  09-19-09 05:59  5060947f  W3Font6b/A-TTF/ExplicitLyrics.ttf
   47328  Defl:N    17629  63%  09-19-09 06:37  51c3265c  W3Font6b/A-TTF/Gamer.ttf
   27452  Defl:N    12707  54%  09-19-09 19:43  9dabdc30  W3Font6b/A-TTF/Hypersonor.ttf
   52892  Defl:N    18850  64%  09-19-09 22:44  2d590b19  W3Font6b/A-TTF/InDaMoove.ttf
   44000  Defl:N    16982  61%  09-19-09 22:28  d90fa048  W3Font6b/A-TTF/Nuage.ttf
   76904  Defl:N    29545  62%  09-19-09 19:03  a5381362  W3Font6b/A-TTF/PelicanAlt.ttf
   61388  Defl:N    24341  60%  09-19-09 05:41  23c90808  W3Font6b/A-TTF/Phonetica.ttf
   82484  Defl:N    31885  61%  09-19-09 20:56  89d3e819  W3Font6b/A-TTF/Pin&Pain.ttf
   62968  Defl:N    25143  60%  09-19-09 20:26  82461171  W3Font6b/A-TTF/QueueDuQ.ttf
   66280  Defl:N    25529  62%  09-19-09 21:53  881a3165  W3Font6b/A-TTF/Seer.ttf
   60748  Defl:N    25579  58%  09-19-09 04:47  a2cb8db4  W3Font6b/A-TTF/TimeViolation.ttf
   63592  Defl:N    29616  53%  09-19-09 22:52  962d2db7  W3Font6b/A-TTF/U-JungleEdit.ttf
   46072  Defl:N    20784  55%  09-19-09 23:13  6def6885  W3Font6b/A-TTF/UtterlyBoldfaced.ttf
  189304  Defl:N    16139  92%  09-19-09 04:51  2a80173a  W3Font6b/A-TTF/VueDartiste.ttf
   26868  Defl:N    14397  46%  09-19-09 22:19  497d4d9d  W3Font6b/A-TTF/WeAllGonnaDie.ttf
   26988  Defl:N    11456  58%  09-19-09 23:00  5d628a0c  W3Font6b/A-TTF/Zakk.ttf
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-19-09 23:24  00000000  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
  125106  Defl:N    92486  26%  09-19-09 06:21  d63692bd  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Blotter.type
     468  Defl:N      211  55%  09-19-09 06:21  6a7d1734  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   55980  Defl:N    31053  45%  09-19-09 06:00  dc88d858  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/ExplicitLyrics.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 06:01  7d66a305  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   64902  Defl:N    30935  52%  09-19-09 06:44  0cdac530  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Gamer.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 06:45  06539212  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   32754  Defl:N    12738  61%  09-19-09 19:44  086753b5  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Hypersonor.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 19:45  3e1d4087  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   49006  Defl:N    25110  49%  09-19-09 22:43  682c3274  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/InDaMoove.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 22:44  b93dc5e0  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   34210  Defl:N    18239  47%  09-19-09 22:28  18386fa8  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Nuage.type
     468  Defl:N      214  54%  09-19-09 22:28  6cf851b8  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   73148  Defl:N    44162  40%  09-19-09 19:07  0425e33a  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/PelicanAlt.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 19:08  02484089  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   65440  Defl:N    37270  43%  09-19-09 05:47  3fbf3107  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Phonetica.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 05:49  d427ce43  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   81436  Defl:N    51452  37%  09-19-09 20:50  fd6eac96  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Pin&Pain.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 20:54  3f36e69c  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Pin&
   68420  Defl:N    42322  38%  09-19-09 20:27  7eb1c0e2  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/QueueDuQ.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 20:29  faca62d5  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   66022  Defl:N    39139  41%  09-19-09 22:04  6806fea2  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Seer.type
     468  Defl:N      212  55%  09-19-09 22:07  7809a354  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   50556  Defl:N    29494  42%  09-19-09 04:38  dc0b32cb  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/TimeViolation.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 04:43  dc7d227c  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   77472  Defl:N    53525  31%  09-19-09 22:51  279521c9  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/U-JungleEdit.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 22:52  35a76ab5  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   47628  Defl:N    28255  41%  09-19-09 23:14  1296f9bb  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/UtterlyBoldfaced.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 23:14  a263f6bd  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
  111394  Defl:N    15494  86%  09-19-09 05:18  a6f2ada2  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/VueDartiste.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 05:19  ded6b24b  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   27524  Defl:N    15416  44%  09-19-09 22:20  8261d29f  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/WeAllGonnaDie.type
     468  Defl:N      213  55%  09-19-09 22:21  891c2e0a  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
   27584  Defl:N     9933  64%  09-19-09 23:01  e33226b1  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/Zakk.type
     468  Defl:N      214  54%  09-19-09 23:01  aa6428ff  W3Font6b/CGTYPE/
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-28-09 06:51  00000000  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/
    1291  Defl:N      698  46%  09-28-09 06:04  f4d8494f  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Blotter.txt
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    1266  Defl:N      693  45%  09-28-09 06:05  df452f2b  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Gamer.txt
    1243  Defl:N      669  46%  09-28-09 06:06  a5aa2b76  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Hypersonor.txt
    1254  Defl:N      676  46%  09-28-09 06:06  74681f4b  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/InDaMoove.txt
    1229  Defl:N      671  45%  09-28-09 06:07  a1460c08  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Nuage.txt
    1263  Defl:N      677  46%  09-28-09 06:07  ac81717e  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/PelicanAltern.txt
    1528  Defl:N      797  48%  09-28-09 06:08  ba3c32d3  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Phonetica.txt
    7501  Defl:N     7430   1%  09-28-09 05:53  991c98ca  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Phonetica_Eng.png
    7953  Defl:N     7841   1%  09-28-09 05:54  738ac7fb  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Phonetica_Fr.png
    1334  Defl:N      728  45%  09-28-09 06:08  73d6f5ce  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Pin&Pain.txt
    1332  Defl:N      723  46%  09-28-09 06:10  13067363  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/QueueDuQ.txt
    1317  Defl:N      723  45%  09-28-09 06:10  140cc78d  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Seer.txt
    1269  Defl:N      676  47%  09-28-09 06:11  f49c1559  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/TimeViolation.txt
    1337  Defl:N      730  45%  09-28-09 06:11  9c57b236  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/U-JungleEdit.txt
    1294  Defl:N      685  47%  09-28-09 06:12  467f0010  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/UtterlyBoldfaced.txt
    1283  Defl:N      694  46%  09-28-09 06:12  7381ffa8  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/VueDartiste.txt
    1295  Defl:N      697  46%  09-28-09 06:12  c54a4a83  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/WeAllGonnaDie.txt
    1255  Defl:N      696  45%  09-28-09 06:13  972f6849  W3Font6b/FONTS_docs/Zakk.txt
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-23-09 00:26  00000000  W3Font6b/OTF/
   33788  Defl:N    23407  31%  06-10-07 22:16  3601e4c1  W3Font6b/OTF/Blotter.otf
   23060  Defl:N    12637  45%  06-10-07 22:16  d716eccc  W3Font6b/OTF/ExplicitLyrics.otf
   26620  Defl:N    12058  55%  06-10-07 15:28  e944ce5b  W3Font6b/OTF/Gamer.otf
   25476  Defl:N    12373  51%  06-10-07 23:07  49a00b88  W3Font6b/OTF/InDaMoove.otf
   24060  Defl:N    12350  49%  06-10-07 23:59  059fa500  W3Font6b/OTF/Nuage.otf
   31448  Defl:N    16515  48%  06-10-07 05:32  eb8ba7f8  W3Font6b/OTF/PelicanAlt.otf
   25208  Defl:N    13767  45%  06-10-07 23:59  8a7cf01c  W3Font6b/OTF/Phonetica.otf
   33616  Defl:N    17591  48%  06-10-07 23:59  9851d2a3  W3Font6b/OTF/PinPain.otf
   25440  Defl:N    12013  53%  06-10-07 23:59  c2721fb7  W3Font6b/OTF/QueueDuQ.otf
   29312  Defl:N    15553  47%  06-10-07 15:28  eae378d7  W3Font6b/OTF/Seer.otf
   26684  Defl:N    17854  33%  06-08-07 17:43  d2f76308  W3Font6b/OTF/U-JungleEdit.otf
   18664  Defl:N    10657  43%  06-10-07 15:28  6b8d0874  W3Font6b/OTF/WeTEST.otf
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-28-09 05:41  00000000  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/
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   38604  Defl:N    17354  55%  02-24-08 05:33  c5cec999  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/HypersonorPC.ttf
   51448  Defl:N    18235  65%  03-05-06 01:05  12408e56  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/InDaMoovePC.ttf
   43432  Defl:N    16727  62%  09-19-09 22:35  9473d24b  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/NuagePC.ttf
   76644  Defl:N    27315  64%  09-19-09 19:41  25325ccf  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/PelicanAltPC.ttf
   56688  Defl:N    22062  61%  05-08-05 18:58  3becd9ad  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/PhoneticaPC.ttf
   82656  Defl:N    30464  63%  09-19-09 21:06  b00faf2b  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/Pin&PainPC.ttf
   61388  Defl:N    24429  60%  09-19-09 20:40  f0826a42  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/QueueDuQPC.ttf
   64264  Defl:N    24948  61%  09-19-09 22:12  98e09369  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/SeerPC.ttf
   60684  Defl:N    25248  58%  09-19-09 04:46  a526adbc  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/TimeViolationPC.ttf
   64008  Defl:N    29657  54%  09-25-05 02:42  4fd98d64  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/U-JungleEditPC.ttf
   46164  Defl:N    20602  55%  04-13-06 20:20  e0e26595  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/UtterlyBoldfacedPC.ttf
  191708  Defl:N    16237  92%  09-19-09 05:27  89d8b418  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/VueDartistePC.ttf
   26488  Defl:N    14031  47%  07-21-09 20:42  ec4ba270  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/WeAllGonnaDiePC.ttf
   26312  Defl:N    11222  57%  07-10-05 23:28  655ed697  W3Font6b/PC-TTF/ZakkPC.ttf
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   33803  Defl:N    33114   2%  09-19-09 06:02  417a1654  W3Font6b/PFB/ExplicitLyrics.pfb
   37316  Defl:N    36703   2%  09-19-09 06:42  b34e0d46  W3Font6b/PFB/Gamer.pfb
   34131  Defl:N    33469   2%  09-19-09 19:47  55c03c2a  W3Font6b/PFB/Hypersonor.pfb
   36620  Defl:N    36002   2%  09-19-09 22:39  b0092d21  W3Font6b/PFB/InDaMoove.pfb
   34835  Defl:N    34221   2%  09-19-09 22:31  54171d82  W3Font6b/PFB/Nuage.pfb
   42774  Defl:N    42133   2%  09-19-09 19:09  1ba92d4d  W3Font6b/PFB/PelicanAlt.pfb
   37705  Defl:N    37073   2%  09-19-09 05:43  2f102f00  W3Font6b/PFB/Phonetica.pfb
   44737  Defl:N    44105   1%  09-19-09 20:53  d65184bf  W3Font6b/PFB/Pin&Pain.pfb
   39123  Defl:N    38501   2%  09-19-09 20:33  cfa3d7c9  W3Font6b/PFB/QueueDuQ.pfb
   40873  Defl:N    40244   2%  09-19-09 21:56  0182198d  W3Font6b/PFB/Seer.pfb
   44896  Defl:N    41176   8%  09-19-09 04:32  c534c430  W3Font6b/PFB/TimeViolation.pfb
   36450  Defl:N    35813   2%  09-19-09 22:54  9175263e  W3Font6b/PFB/U-JungleEdit.pfb
   33821  Defl:N    33127   2%  09-19-09 23:16  d2f53506  W3Font6b/PFB/UtterlyBoldfaced.pfb
   98029  Defl:N    97401   1%  09-19-09 05:14  20df71ac  W3Font6b/PFB/VueDartiste.pfb
   28723  Defl:N    28031   2%  09-19-09 22:21  9326f7f9  W3Font6b/PFB/WeAllGonnaDie.pfb
   29291  Defl:N    28629   2%  09-19-09 23:02  71e70281  W3Font6b/PFB/Zakk.pfb
   42040  Defl:N    41374   2%  09-28-09 05:22  3997c625  W3Font6b/W3Font6b-pic1.png
   53786  Defl:N    52841   2%  09-29-09 00:13  03236f3c  W3Font6b/W3Font6b-pic2.png
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       0  Stored        0   0%  09-29-09 02:13  00000000  W3Font6b/
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 4368575          2327215  47%                            126 files
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>