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27-May-92 -- Lance Tagliapietra -- Aux-Emacs 1.0
This version of Microemacs was originally ported by David Conroy and
released on Fred Fish disk #2. I have modified it to be compilable with
the ZC compiler from Fred Fish disk #314. It is also modified to work with
the AuxHandler from Fred Fish disk #79. When a terminal is connected to
the serial port, the command
will start a cli session to the terminal. Running microemacs with the
from the terminal will start emacs using the Aux: device for input and
output. From a CLI window or SHELL window, run microemacs with the command
Microemacs will then open a window and use the keyboard and video display.
It is very important that microemacs be started with the RUN command when
working in the windowed enviroment. Failure to do so will create a
microemacs process that cannot be aborted as control characters will be
eaten by the console.
See the files ME.DOC and WALLCHART for a listing of microemacs commands.
The modifications use the Fish released aux-handler for the serial port.
The serial parameters are taken from preferences when the serial.device is
opened with the newshell or newcli command. When emacs is run to the
serial port, the aux-handler is put into "raw" mode. The aux-handler is
restored to console mode when emacs is exiting.
All commands in me.doc work as expected. Spawning a new cli when running
through Aux: puts that driver back into console mode and the CLI prompt
appears at the bottom of the screen. Entering the command ENDCLI from this
CLI will resume the editing session where it was left off.
NOTE: The run command in a subjob (CTRL-X !) has been disabled when
working from the Aux: cli. This should not be a problem as the spawn a
new cli command (CTRL-C) works correctly.
The modification to the source for compiling with the ZC compiler was
mostly trivial. The #if statments for the different systems supported were
changed to #ifdef statements. Several small syntactic corrections were
made, most notably where the TERM structure is initialized in ANSI.c and
The modifications to work with the Aux: port were made in termio.c and
spawn.c. The changes first determine if emacs was started with the RUN
command or not and then open a window or initialize the Aux: port
The executable supplied is compiled for ANSI mode. To use VT52 screen
codes, set the VT52 #define to 1 in ED.H and set the ANSI #define to 0.
The executable created is 2k smaller than the version originally suppled.
Lance Tagliapietra 96720919@ucs.uwplatt.edu
P.O. Box 26 96720919@uwplatt.bitnet
Platteville, WI 53818
Contents of text/edit/aux-emacs.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 747 2120 35.2% -lh5- 18ff May 18 1992 ansi.c
[generic] 1374 2986 46.0% -lh5- b105 May 27 1992 aux-emacs.readme
[generic] 2203 8581 25.7% -lh5- b67f May 18 1992 basic.c
[generic] 3269 12579 26.0% -lh5- 2b3c May 18 1992 buffer.c
[generic] 6018 21492 28.0% -lh5- 3756 May 18 1992 display.c
[generic] 3333 10887 30.6% -lh5- 34b0 May 18 1992 ed.h
[generic] 17357 39268 44.2% -lh5- 8ea4 May 27 1992 emacs
[generic] 3095 12516 24.7% -lh5- cfa8 May 18 1992 file.c
[generic] 961 2758 34.8% -lh5- ed7d May 18 1992 fileio.c
[generic] 4156 17336 24.0% -lh5- 5d2c May 18 1992 line.c
[generic] 6012 23533 25.5% -lh5- f76c May 18 1992 main.c
[generic] 480 1484 32.3% -lh5- 74f7 May 18 1992 makefile
[generic] 908 2364 38.4% -lh5- 1f2f May 18 1992 me.doc
[generic] 4047 14097 28.7% -lh5- 7b86 May 18 1992 rainbow.h
[generic] 3585 12538 28.6% -lh5- 6d8f May 18 1992 random.c
[generic] 928 1746 53.2% -lh5- bbc7 May 18 1992 readme1
[generic] 802 1354 59.2% -lh5- f9ee May 18 1992 readme2
[generic] 1503 6620 22.7% -lh5- f278 May 18 1992 region.c
[generic] 1686 5670 29.7% -lh5- 2ab1 May 18 1992 search.c
[generic] 2378 7611 31.2% -lh5- 6cff May 27 1992 spawn.c
[generic] 749 2230 33.6% -lh5- 5c8d May 18 1992 tcap.c
[generic] 2522 6943 36.3% -lh5- c889 May 18 1992 termio.c
[generic] 785 2100 37.4% -lh5- bc34 May 18 1992 vt52.c
[generic] 746 1832 40.7% -lh5- 9bc7 May 18 1992 wallchart
[generic] 2794 11686 23.9% -lh5- b82a May 18 1992 window.c
[generic] 1602 8964 17.9% -lh5- c5d7 May 18 1992 word.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 26 files 74040 241295 30.7% Aug 15 1992
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