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Short:Text editor
Author: webmalf at (Alain Fontanin)
Uploader:webmalf protonmail com (Alain Fontanin)
Download:text/edit/ASE2019_2.07.lha - View contents

30 years later, I recreated my text editor on Amiga!

Version 2.07 brings a number of fixes and enhancements:
    - Ability to add a description for the script/macro associated with a
      function key;
    - Ability to create a macro from a selection of characters or lines;
    - Fixed a problem when cutting/pasting a set of lines: the last line
      does not have a CR/LF ;
    - Correction of macros recording;
    - Correction of small memory leaks;
    - Improved list display;
    - Improved sorting speed;
    - Correction of non-detection of full disk when saving document.

Don't hesitate to contact me (, if you encounter a
bug, I'll fix it. The integration of 2 important evolutions (text folding
and automatic line feed) has been abandoned: too complicated. I'll have to
review the overall design (ouch), I Started with a new linked list manager
(GLCex) for managing documents and changes (undo/redo).

If you want to participate to the localization of ASE2019 (the file ASE2019.cs
to use with SimpleCat is in the archive).

Take care of yourselves !

                             Version française:

30 ans après, j'ai recréé mon éditeur de texte sur Amiga !

La version 2.07 apporte des corrections et quelques évolutions:
    - Possibilité d'ajouter une description pour le script/macro associé à une
      touche de fonction ;
    - Possibilité de créer une macro depuis une sélection de caractères ou 
      lignes ;
    - Correction d'un problème lors du couper/coller d'un ensemble de lignes :
      la dernière ligne ne dispose pas d'un CR/LF ;
    - Correction de l'enregistrement de macros ;
    - Correction de petites fuites mémoire ;
    - Amélioration de l'affichage des listes ;
    - Amélioration de la vitesse de trie ;
    - Correction de la non-détection du disque plein lors de la sauvegarde
      d'un document.

Ne pas hésiter à me contacter (, si vous rencontrez un
bogue, je la corrigerai. L'intégration de 2 évolutions importantes (pliage de
texte et retour automatique à la ligne) a été abandonnée : trop compliquée. Il
va falloir revoir en profondeur ASE2019 (aïe), j'ai démarré avec un nouveau
gestionnaire de listes chainées (GLCex) pour la gestion des documents et des
changements (undo/redo).

Si vous désirez participer à la localisation d'ASE2019 (le fichier ASE2019.cs
à utiliser avec SimpleCat est dans l'archive).

Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches !

| VERSION     | 1.0    - 24/05/2019 : Initial version                      |
| VERSION     | 1.1 RC - 02/09/2020 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.1    - 13/09/2020 : Corrections                 (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.2    - 12/12/2020 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.25   - 17/02/2021 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.30   - 21/02/2021 : Corrections & evolutions             |
| VERSION     | 1.40   - 01/05/2021 : Corrections & evolutions             |
| VERSION     | 1.50   - 17/07/2021 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.51   - 31/07/2021 : Corrections                 (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.52   - 01/08/2021 : Corrections                 (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.60   - 26/09/2021 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.70   - 20/11/2021 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.80   - 31/12/2021 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.90   - 31/01/2022 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.95   - 10/03/2022 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 1.97   - 29/07/2022 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 2.0    - 04/12/2022 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 2.05   - 31/12/2022 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |
| VERSION     | 2.06   - 31/03/2023 : Corrections & evolutions             |
| VERSION     | 2.07   - 25/08/2024 : Corrections & evolutions    (Aminet) |

Contents of text/edit/ASE2019_2.07.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[Amiga]                  94323  182100  51.8% -lh5- f580 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019
[Amiga]                  14646   43131  34.0% -lh5- 923a Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019.cs
[Amiga]                    252     473  53.3% -lh5- f34f Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/
[Amiga]                    126     799  15.8% -lh5- 54f6 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/
[Amiga]                   1570    4475  35.1% -lh5- 3f2e Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_2.07.readme
[Amiga]                    208     464  44.8% -lh5- 68e4 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/
[Amiga]                   1855    2811  66.0% -lh5- 34f3 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/
[Amiga]                    821    2434  33.7% -lh5- 34f2 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/AGBoldSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    253     473  53.5% -lh5- 54f0 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    822    2438  33.7% -lh5- 8156 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/AGItalSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    253     473  53.5% -lh5- 7b2e Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    828    2449  33.8% -lh5- d503 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/AGTitleSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    252     473  53.3% -lh5- 75db Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                   1193    4922  24.2% -lh5- 5f3a Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/Banner.rexx
[Amiga]                    252     473  53.3% -lh5- 6ad8 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    747    1749  42.7% -lh5- 5cd6 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/BL33tSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    252     473  53.3% -lh5- e44f Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                   1024    3140  32.6% -lh5- 5a3d Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/CenterSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    254     473  53.7% -lh5- 05b6 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    592    1237  47.9% -lh5- ca40 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/CFunc2MD.rexx
[Amiga]                    255     473  53.9% -lh5- ff75 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    637    1654  38.5% -lh5- 5822 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/ComputeSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    251     473  53.1% -lh5- 22a6 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    839    2436  34.4% -lh5- 0e43 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/CRemSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    252     473  53.3% -lh5- 77ac Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                   1013    3098  32.7% -lh5- f280 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/IL33tSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    252     473  53.3% -lh5- 8971 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    559    1175  47.6% -lh5- b317 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/NoEmptyLine.rexx
[Amiga]                    253     473  53.5% -lh5- 68b0 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    640    1412  45.3% -lh5- c920 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/NumSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    250     473  52.9% -lh5- 3553 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    715    2036  35.1% -lh5- bddc Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/TestSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    249     473  52.6% -lh5- 06a6 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    596    1277  46.7% -lh5- 088d Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/UpperSelection.rexx
[Amiga]                    254     473  53.7% -lh5- ea8e Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/ASE2019/
[Amiga]                    324    3970   8.2% -lh5- 2394 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Macros/FunctionHeader.ase
[Amiga]                    252     473  53.3% -lh5- 7878 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Macros/
[Amiga]                    521    1151  45.3% -lh5- 2261 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Shell/DocumentInfo.rexx
[Amiga]                    254     473  53.7% -lh5- cadf Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Shell/
[Amiga]                    565    1020  55.4% -lh5- 843a Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Shell/InsertText.rexx
[Amiga]                    253     473  53.5% -lh5- 4725 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Shell/
[Amiga]                    456    2772  16.5% -lh5- f897 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Shell/ReorgDocuments.rexx
[Amiga]                    252     473  53.3% -lh5- 8c72 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Shell/
[Amiga]                    347     641  54.1% -lh5- 6c09 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Shell/TestErr.rexx
[Amiga]                    249     473  52.6% -lh5- 086e Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/ASE2019_REXX/Shell/
[Amiga]                   1855    2811  66.0% -lh5- 34f3 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/
[Amiga]                   5292   13328  39.7% -lh5- d7f1 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Catalogs/Deutsch/ASE2019.catalog
[Amiga]                   5099   13666  37.3% -lh5- 04d6 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Catalogs/Fran?ais/ASE2019.catalog
[Amiga]                   5121   13438  38.1% -lh5- bc8b Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Catalogs/Italiano/ASE2019.catalog
[Amiga]                  26486   99503  26.6% -lh5- 7c38 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Doc
[Amiga]                    649     741  87.6% -lh5- fd52 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Doc
[Amiga]                  28888  110965  26.0% -lh5- 7563 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Doc
[Amiga]                    649     741  87.6% -lh5- fd52 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Doc
[Amiga]                    768    2753  27.9% -lh5- ca63 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Install ASE2019
[Amiga]                    440    1034  42.6% -lh5- 89e9 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/Install
[Amiga]                   1855    2811  66.0% -lh5- 34f3 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/
[Amiga]                    861    1829  47.1% -lh5- 9659 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/MemoData/AmigaDOS.mmd
[Amiga]                    251     473  53.1% -lh5- 2115 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/MemoData/
[Amiga]                    401     931  43.1% -lh5- 7ce4 Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/MemoData/StandardC.mmd
[Amiga]                    251     473  53.1% -lh5- acfc Aug 25 12:55 ASE2019_2.07/MemoData/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        60 files  209877  549748  38.2%            Aug 25 20:04
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