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Girl To Dog
Copyright © 1992 ASDG Incorporated
A MorphPlus(TM) ANIM
First, thank you for taking the time to download GIRL2DOG. We understand
that this takes a long time to download, but we hope it will be worth it.
This ANIM of 116 320 x 480 16-gray shade images can be played with any ANIM
viewer or program that has ANIM playback capability.
This ANIM was created with ASDG's MorphPlus. MorphPlus is a stand-alone
program which is compatible with all Art Department Professional(R)
GIRL2DOG shows off a morph between a girl and dog. There are a number of
attributes to this morph which only MorphPlus is capable of producing.
The generation of the text and dropshadow and the placement of images onto
the backdrop were done in FRED, the ADPro/MorphPlus FRame EDitor. The
final images were compiled into an ANIM file using an Ordered dither.
Other MorphPlus Info
MorphPlus is a professional cinematic visual effects package. It is
currently in use in television and cinematic productions, replacing high
end systems running on various platforms.
For example, it has been used for several key scenes from the pilot TV
movie Babylon 5 as well as a recent episode (November 10, 1992) of Quantum
Leap. At the time of this writing (January 18, 1993), MorphPlus has been
used in several motion pictures, and is in use on several television shows.
Since its release on October 1st 1992, the major Amiga software
distributors in North America report that MorphPlus has outsold any
competing product.
The opinions of noted experts in the field:
"The user interface on MorphPlus is one of the easiest I've seen.
Setting up a morph is very fast and rendering it is equally as
fast. I feel that this program is on par with other programs
like those from PDI and ILM."
Peter W. Moyer
Vice President/Post Production
The Post Group
The Post Group is the largest privately held post production facility in
the world.
"It's scarily realistic. MorphPlus produces the most realistic
shape shifting special effects I have ever seen on a desktop.
MorphPlus was the perfect solution to create the complex morphing
sequences that Babylon 5 required."
Mark Swain, Animator
Foundation Imaging
Foundation Imaging are the creators of the special effects for Babylon 5.
Many of the advanced features found in MorphPlus (and available nowhere
else) are present due to input from visual effects experts. Our product is
designed for (and partly by) professionals in the industry. As a result,
we believe our product will produce the best results with the least effort
in any production environment.
MorphPlus's morphing program manages four types of projects. These are:
1. Moving Morphs
Two incoming streams of moving frames being merged to produce an
output stream.
2. Still Morphs
Two incoming still images being merged to produce an output stream.
3. Moving Warps
One incoming stream of moving frames being deformed to produce an
output stream.
4. Still Warps
One incoming still image being deformed to produce an output
Keep in mind that MorphPlus offers more than morphing. Every effect
performed by MorphPlus is performed at cinematic quality levels and is
controlled by a intuitive WYSIWYG user interface.
We encourage you to see our product at your local dealer. We also offer a
direct discounted price for owners of Art Department Professional Version
2. The more you know about our product, the more confident we are that
ours is the product you will choose.
MorphPlus is a trademark of ASDG Incorporated. Art Department Professional
is a registered trademark of ASDG Incorporated.
Contents of pix/anim/Girl2Dog.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1120115 1388412 80.7% -lh5- 9a63 Jan 18 1993 GIRL2DOG.anim
[generic] 1855 4016 46.2% -lh5- 9334 Jan 18 1993 ReadMe.GIRL2DOG
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 1121970 1392428 80.6% Jan 20 1993
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