84782 packages online
pix/anim/GPaintAnim.lha |
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Hi Folks.
This is a nice, little anim, which I wrote for the JugendFilmFestival`96 in Nürnberg.
It´s a fully pixeled anim, showing the (nearly) original DPaint Screen and the drawing
of a curve. And finally there is a funny end, I think...
Hope you like it, as its NOT rendered, NOT raytraced; its just pixeled. ;-)
I made this anim with the excellent DPaintIV from ElectronicArts. Great Programm indeed.
If you want, you can tell me, what you are thinking about this stuff. You can also
tell me "Hi, I´ve downloaded this waste", as I want to know, if someone else instead of
me and my friend is watching this anim. I don´t think so, but there is always hope.
eMail: lstrike@nuernberg.netsurf.de
or find me on IRC alias "LStrike" on #bescheuert or #nuernberg
Enjoy and always keep the Faith in AMIGA !!!!
This girlfriend will NEVER die!!!
signed Thomas "LStrike" Becker / 15.05.1997
Contents of pix/anim/GPaintAnim.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 55258 284710 19.4% -lh5- 5c02 Nov 16 1996 X-GlücksPaint-the movie-X
[generic] 453 1275 35.5% -lh5- f4c6 Mar 28 1997 X-GlücksPaint-the movie-X.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 55711 285985 19.5% May 17 1997
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