84782 packages online
pix/anim/FleetManouver.lha |
No screenshot available
From his AGATron series of animations. This is old but good. From one of
the best animation artists Tobias Richter.
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
799216 461048 42.3% 01-Sep-89 02:52:20 +FleetManeuver.Anim
1088 659 39.4% 05-Dec-90 07:56:40 +Led
14494 11648 19.6% 05-Dec-90 07:57:18 +Music
72 55 23.6% 05-Dec-90 08:06:28 +Pointer
14020 13658 2.5% 05-Dec-90 08:06:20 +ShowAnim
4744 4619 2.6% 05-Dec-90 08:11:40 +SoundON
232 97 58.1% 05-Dec-90 08:06:40 +System-Configuration
116 97 16.3% 05-Dec-90 07:57:56 +Startup-Sequence
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
833982 491881 41.0% 13-Jun-95 21:58:44 8 files
Contents of pix/anim/FleetManouver.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 461048 799216 57.7% -lh5- 978a Sep 1 1989 Anim/FleetManeuver.Anim
[generic] 659 1088 60.6% -lh5- abaf Dec 5 1990 C/Led
[generic] 11648 14494 80.4% -lh5- c2eb Dec 5 1990 C/Music
[generic] 55 72 76.4% -lh5- bb1f Dec 5 1990 C/Pointer
[generic] 13658 14020 97.4% -lh5- fff7 Dec 5 1990 C/ShowAnim
[generic] 4619 4744 97.4% -lh5- 4528 Dec 5 1990 C/SoundON
[generic] 97 232 41.8% -lh5- 0ae0 Dec 5 1990 Devs/System-Configuration
[generic] 97 116 83.6% -lh5- 3c9c Dec 5 1990 S/Startup-Sequence
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 491881 833982 59.0% Jun 16 1995
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