84782 packages online
gfx/ifx/ifx_jpeg.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | JPEG ImageFX loader. PPC version (1.3) |
Author: | M.Smyk, S.Jedruszkiewicz(PPC version) |
Uploader: | bjsebo jota ii tuniv szczecin pl |
Type: | gfx/ifx |
Architecture: | ppc-powerup |
Date: | 1999-05-15 |
Requires: | ImageFX,ppc.library |
Replaces: | gfx/ifx/ifx_jpeg.lha |
Download: | gfx/ifx/ifx_jpeg.lha - View contents | Readme: | gfx/ifx/ifx_jpeg.readme |
Downloads: | 4467 |
PPC JPEG ImageFX loader.
version 1.3
This is version 1.3 of PPC JPEG loader for ImageFX. Based on Miloslaw
Smyk 68k version. It uses JPEG library version 6b. Both normal and
progressive JPEG's are supported.
Copy file JPEG to ImageFX/modules/loaders/.
Remember to backup old version of JPEG loader (in case of bugs in this
release). Renaming the old JPEG loader is not enough - you should
move it into other directory) Make sure you have removed all JPEG files
(including JPEG.040 .000. 060) Also make sure you have JPEGTMP: assigned
somewhere (T: is a good choice). Then copy the prefs file into
ENVARC:ImageFX directory. I think ImageFX v3 uses env:ImageFX3 dir.
It is also safe to put this prefs file there. JPEG loader will check
both paths for prefs file.
First take a look at envarc/ImageFX/JPEG_Loader file.
NOGUI - no gui will be shown.
FU - Also called smoothing. If set smoothing will be enabled.
DCT - DCT method. There are 3 allowed:
ISLOW - Use integer DCT method.
IFAST - Use fast integer DCT (less accurate).
FLOAT - Use floating-point DCT method.
The float method is very slightly more accurate than
the int method, but is much slower unless your machine
has very fast floating-point hardware. Also note that
results of the floating-point method may vary slightly
across machines, while the integer methods should give
the same results everywhere.
The fast integer method is much less accurate than the other two.
I have tested this on BlizzPPC 68040/25 + 603/200. It is about 6 times
faster than 68k version of JPEG loader. Loading 1400x1000 jpeg file
takes about 3 seconds. Loading the same file with 68k version took 14s.
- reading corrupted JPEGs may cause crash. It happens
when JPEG has got not complete file header. Be carefull
with JPEG smaller than 2048 bytes.
- progress bar does not work with progressive jpegs.
(in first phase) This is actually not bug, I just don't
know how to implement this feature.
Please report bugs to: bjsebo@jota.ii.tuniv.szczecin.pl
Particulary yes. But this software is giftware, which means, if you like
it, you should send cool stuff (chocolates, postcards, computers, cars etc.)
Miloslaw Smyk Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz
ul. Orawska 22/34 or ul. P.Jasienicy 4/7
70-131 Szczecin, POLAND 70-492 Szczecin, POLAND
v1.3 (11-05-99)
- Finally removed the bug with no closing loaded JPEG file.
- All errors are now shown in ImageFX requester.
- Fixed GUI to be font sensitive. Thanks must go to Konrad Bielski
for pointing me that.
- Clicking close gadget in gui has now the same
effect like 'Cancel'.
v1.2 (06-05-99)
- Fixed bug with errors handling.
- replaced JPEG lib 6a with 6b.
v1.1 (01.05.99)
- Fixed problems with caches clearing on PPC side.
v1.0 (30.04.99)
- recompiled JPEG lib with latest egcs. 3x faster. egcs rulez ;)
- Changed GUI a bit. Added new Image (W.F.M.H. + Venus Art ;)
- Loader was looking for prefs file in env:ImageFX/ dir.
Fixed to search both env:ImageFX and env:ImageFX3.
v0.9 (29.04.99)
- just received sources from Milek. Thanks a lot!
- recompiled JPEG lib 6a with sasc.
- created first working version of JPEG loader.
Contents of gfx/ifx/ifx_jpeg.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 200 272 73.5% -lh5- 645d May 4 1999 JPEG_PPC/ENVARC/ImageFX/JPEG_Loader
[generic] 1851 3772 49.1% -lh5- 4fd3 May 13 1999 JPEG_PPC/ifx_jpeg.readme
[generic] 81949 178396 45.9% -lh5- 9fe3 May 13 1999 jpeg_ppc/jpeg
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 84000 182440 46.0% May 14 1999
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