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Short:Humerous Guessing Game
Author: gazy at
Uploader:Gareth Murfin (gazy globalnet co uk)
Download:game/misc/AmiGuess.lha - View contents

                                By Gareth Murfin


 AmiGuess is a tongue in cheek basic guessing game a bit like 'You dont know
 Jack!' on the PC in the respect that without the witty sounds its nothing
 more than a basic quiz game!

 Having said that its good fun to play when you're bored or waiting for
 something to load, and it sits nicely in your Workbench where it should
 adapt to your Wb colours.

 Give it a go and keep it somewhere on your hard drive because now again you
 will feel there urge to beat your Amiga in a 'complex game of mystery and
 intrigue' :)

 What is it?

 Welcome to AmiGuess A game made specifically for entry into the Amiga
 Format readers game section! The game is essentially a basic higher and lower
 game in which you get 10 turns to guess what number has been picked at random
 from 1-100.

 Cool Features :-

 * Sampled speech
 * Smooth scrolling
 * Fully OS friendly
 * Adapts to all Wb configurations!
 * Gives you subtle clues in the form of sampled speech
 * Rates your performance!
 * Should make you laugh ;-)
 * Quick and easy, play it when your installing or loading slow software!

 What do the sounds mean?

 "You're running out of guesses!"                - You've picked far too high!
 "Ohh deary, you're not very close are you?"     - You picked far too low!
 "Guess 1 seems a long time ago now doesn't it?" - You've reached the last guess!
 "Be more educated with your guesses son!"       - You've used text not numbers!
 "Hurry up and make a decision!"                 - Click LMB/RMB  (Mouse Button)
 "Ooooohhhh!" (crowd)                            - You were VERY close!

 Discover the other ones for yourself ;-)))


 Yes, there are some cheats for this game! try and work them out for yourself!
 If you can't find them and you desperately want them eMail me and ask!

 My eMail -

 Oh yes, and try moving the window while the speech is on for a lovely rap type
 effect ;).. yeah it was done deliberatly, honestly.. it was!...ahem.


 Tested on an A1200Tg 040/25/25 + 32Meg Fast + 520HD & 2x CD. It plays well on
 this setup and should in theory play well on any setup with atleast one meg
 chip and 020. The game requires around 200k of free chip mem to work and will
 obviously make use of an accelerator or fast ram if present.

 Oh, and yes I am a Geordie, just incase you were wondering :))

  Also Check Out :-

  Also look out for these programs which were all done by the author. They are
  available from

  AmiClock     - Nice Wb Clock
  AmiGreet     - Greets you on bootup
  Carnlevels   - New levels for carnage
  Dwarfdemo    - Small aga demo about DWaRFx
  |DWaRFx      - Ultimate IRC scripts!
  JoyMouse     - Use CD³² pad as a mouse
  Theme040     - 040 upgrade for Themepark aga
  ZombieFest   - Small zombie film demo
  Zippyxdemo   - Aga MegaDemo
  Hoppyxdemo   - Aga MegaDemo
  Skoolz Out   - Skool Daze clone
  DMscript     - Upgrade to DiskMaster
  Dotd Rpg     - Dawn of the dead text RPG
  SetPatch97   - Unofficial GateWay 2000 SetPatch
  LunaIRC      - NEW Amiga IRC Client!
  VikRad S.E   - 4 Player War game.
  Gloom3       - Commercial DOOM game
  GloomRejects - Gloom 3 Rejected files
  GloomLoading - Bug Fixes for Gloom3
  WbLogo       - Wb backdrop animator
  AmiTip       - Brings up a tip on bootup
  Rejects      - 3 minute Cartoon with sound

  Gaz -
      - GalaxyNet #AmIRC (SpryNet.Us.GalaxyNet.Org)

   Copyright © Gareth Murfin
       C< Alpha Software.

Contents of game/misc/AmiGuess.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  273     628  43.5% -lh5- f145 Feb  1  1998
[generic]                22612   47840  47.3% -lh5- 6771 Dec  1  1997 AmiGuess/AmiGuess
[generic]                  253     383  66.1% -lh5- d864 Jan  8  1998 AmiGuess/
[generic]                 1452    2875  50.5% -lh5- 7c0e Dec 27  1997 AmiGuess/AmiGuess.Readme
[generic]                  537     837  64.2% -lh5- 6e36 Jan  8  1998 AmiGuess/
[generic]               102781  149866  68.6% -lh5- 02af Dec  1  1997 AmiGuess/bin/Amiguess.bin
[generic]                58689   87766  66.9% -lh5- 2cb4 Dec  1  1997 AmiGuess/bin/blitz.lib
[generic]               108547  167116  65.0% -lh5- 0526 Dec  1  1997 AmiGuess/bin/config.dat
[generic]                53203   92596  57.5% -lh5- 6c66 Dec  1  1997 AmiGuess/bin/highscore.bin
[generic]                   83      89  93.3% -lh5- 1d0b Dec 27  1997 AmiGuess/bin/jonka.lib
[generic]                47689   72586  65.7% -lh5- e2ae Dec  1  1997 AmiGuess/bin/random.tim
[generic]                30385   46366  65.5% -lh5- 09fb Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/AMI.IFF
[generic]                26861   36706  73.2% -lh5- c92e Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/CLOSE.IFF
[generic]                57285   85279  67.2% -lh5- 03d2 Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/CRAZY.IFF
[generic]                 8470   10996  77.0% -lh5- e836 Sep 10  1990 AmiGuess/Sounds/CROWD.IFF
[generic]                13888   19456  71.4% -lh5- d21b Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/DECISION.IFF
[generic]                18242   34636  52.7% -lh5- 657f Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/EDU.IFF
[generic]                30599   44986  68.0% -lh5- e8bb Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/GUESS.IFF
[generic]                12889   22216  58.0% -lh5- a46f Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/HIGHER.IFF
[generic]                23617   34636  68.2% -lh5- b239 Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/LONG.IFF
[generic]                11426   20836  54.8% -lh5- 648f Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/LOWER.IFF
[generic]                16083   28426  56.6% -lh5- 34e2 Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/RUNNING.IFF
[generic]                29028   58096  50.0% -lh5- 4f28 Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/YOULOSE.IFF
[generic]                21792   31186  69.9% -lh5- 19d4 Nov 30  1997 AmiGuess/Sounds/YOUWIN.IFF
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        24 files  696684 1096403  63.5%            Apr 27  1998
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