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Short:Rtgmaster User Archive
Author: MagicSN at
Uploader:MagicSN Birdland es bawue de
Download:driver/video/rtgmaster_user.lha - View contents

This is part of the new rtgmaster release V42.0. rtgmaster is a library system to make
GFX Board Compatible Game Coding easy. It supports :

- Direct Access to the Video RAM
- With some effort the code even runs on ECS/AGA (through c2p)
- Supports nearly all WB Emulations (Does not support Retina WB Emulation...),
  including Support for CyberGraphX and Picasso96
- Alternatively to Direct Video RAM Access on a Screen (Fast) it also
  supports writing to a Workbench Window (Slower, though...)
- PowerPC, using the WarpUP System from H&P. It also runs on
  plain 68k Systems, though (Fat Binary)
- And much more

This part of the archive is for the user. It contains Binaries and Demos.

Note: If you use MCP, i recommend using at least Version MCP131B8. Earlier
versions might use up too much ramlib stack. According to a user, this was
fixed with Version MCP131B8. So i recommend at least this version. If problems
still appear, i recommend installing MCPramlibpatch. This might also apply
to MCP-Clones like MCX.

The other rtgmaster archive is rtgmaster_dev.lha. The Developper Archive contains
Autodocs and Includes for the library itself, this is the User Archive with only

V21 changes:

- Important rtgCGX.library bugfix for 15/16/24 Bit Screens (there is not yet
  a program using rtgmaster in Truecolor mode, though, most games are these
  days still 8 Bit, if not to say all)
- Workaround for CyberGraphX V41 R55 Bug concerning WaitBOVP. Doublebuffering
  will now work with the buggy CyberGraphX Version again. (Bugreport already
- Installer script finally fixed.

V22 changes:

- rtgCGX.library some minor updates

New in second V22 version (sorry :) ) :

- Problems with CopyRtgPixelArray call and Cybervision64 Board should now
  finally be fixed (so Tiny3D should now work on the CV64 also)

V23 changes:

- Problems with rtgmaster and MCP and similar tools finally solved
  (please delete libs:rtg/rtgPICA.library, for this sublibrary it is not
  yet solved... delete it even if you do not have a Picasso II... the
  rtgmaster installer now does not install rtgPICA.library automatically,
  you have to install it manually, if you still use the original Picasso II
  WB Emulation, and not CyberGraphX/P96 for Picasso II)
- Some minor bugs in rtgAMI.library fixed
- Speedup of Doublebuffering in rtgAMI.library of 2000% (only, if you use OS3.0/3.1)
- Fixed Bug in Screenmoderequester (crash when a Screenmode was chosen using the
- Default c2p directory now always is libs:rtgc2p
- There probably will be a new version with faster/better ECS/AGA Support soon...

V26 changes:

- Fixed Buggy Init code that caused rtgmaster to crash on about 5% of Amigas
  (not on mine, because of that, the bug was unnoticed for a long time)
- Added rtgP96.library which contains Doublebuffering for Picasso96.
- Fixed "Double PAL Screenmode Bug"
- Lots of internal stuff interesting for programmers only

V27 changes:

- Now runs again on AGA-only systems (sorry for this bug :( Fixed it)
- Added info for people still having problems on AGA-only systems to
  the docs (some people have incorrect startup-sequences)
- Added announcement for PPC rtgmaster version

V32 changes:

- Added PowerPC Support (optional)
- Added Workbench Window + Public Screen Window Support
- Added Softsprite Functions from Rady Marusa (thanks, Rady :) )
- Added MOUSEMOVE Support
- This release runs on both PPC Systems and on Systems without PPC :)
- Added new very fast c2p

V34 changes:

- Fixed PPCGetRtgMsg and PPCReplyRtgMsg

V35 changes:

- Workbench Window Mode: Added Support for programs that change their
  Palette while the game is running (up to now this only worked correctly
  on a Screen)
- Workbench Window Mode: Optimized Color-Conversion function much, especially
  for PPC (thanks to Sam Jordan for the hint to use PPC ASM for this, and
  also thanks for the example sources he provided to me), but also for 68k.
  The Colors should also look more correct now
- Some programs cannot run on a WB Window, as they change their colors TOO
  OFTEN for Color-Conversion to handle it. Rtgmaster contains now a special
  mode that enables the program to change the Workbench Palette (and reset
  it to the normal colors after Quit), if the "normal" method fails. Of course
  the normal method should be used if possible. That this "change of WB Colors"
  might be needed for some programs (Crystal3D...) is not the fault of rtgmaster,
  it is the fault of the Workbench Screen, that has a limit of how fast Colorchanges
  are allowed on the Workbench (Colorcycling for example will NOT work on
  Workbench Screen)
- rtg_BusSystem now also recognizes AteoBus (Pixel64) and PCI (Inferno)
- CV/3D is now correctly reognized as "Zorro 3" (was recognized as "Zorro 2"
  before), if present in a Zorro 3 System
- Some small fixes and stuff

V37 changes:

- mainly bugfixes
- to people who have still problems with ramlib i recommend using the MCPramlibPatch
  (a utility for your startup-sequence which raises the ramlib stack to 8 KB).
  can't check, if it helps, as no ramlib stack problems whatsoever appear on
  my system. ramlib stack problems also disappear on a PPC System, if WarpUP
  V14 is installed... it also does something that you have more ramlib stack

V38 changes:

- bugfixes (rtgCGX.library Bugfix and RtgSetFont Bugfix)
- added vbcc-WarpOS Support to developper package

V40 changes:

- added RtgScreenToFront function for handling several RtgScreens at the same time
- added RtgConvert function to convert RGB 24 Bit input to any 15-24 Bit format
  (both 68k and PPC)
- Bugfix: CopyRtgPixelArray in rtgP96.library (the "Abuse problem")
- Bugfix: Mousemove problem for rtgCGX.library

V41 changes:

- bugfixes
- added MCPramlibpatch to archive (if you get ramlib crashes, include it to
  your startup-sequence... some people seem to have too much ramlib-consuming
  on their system installed. MCPramlibpatch raises the ramlib stack to fix this).
- added info to the docs for people who have problems with the new FlashROM
  of PPC Boards or the CV/PPC


  For both: Install the WarpOS 3.1 archive which is available at:


  echo >env:powerpc/TERMINATOR "2"
  echo >envarc:powerpc/TERMINATOR "2"

  This removes some unclean OS-Patches that are included in the latest version
  of the FlashROM.

  If you have a CV/PPC or BV/PPC you should also:

  echo >env:powerpc/force "1"
  echo >envarc:powerpc/force "1"
  echo >env:powerpc/gfxaddr "$e0000000"
  echo >envarc:powerpc/gfxaddr "$e0000000"

  This is needed as the CV/PPC is no Zorro-Board. You need only to do it once.
  Future versions of WarpUP will do it automatically with the Installer.

  Avoid starting ppc.library programs in your startup-sequence. Some of them
  (for example RC5-PPC) make rtgmaster not running anymore.

  Any complaints about this behaviour should go to Phase 5, not to me (if they
  remove the LoadSeg-Patch from the FlashROM again, those problems would

V42 changes:

- Bugfix GetRtgScreenData concerning MouseX/MouseY for rtgAMI.library (but
  better use RtgInitRDCMP for mouseposition anyways)
- added rtgmaster<->Warp3D interface, see for more
  information (Warp3D is the new 3D standard for the Amiga, rtgCV3D.library
  was cancelled, as Warp3D is much better... Warp3D is for both 68k and PPC)
- added possibility to access the Screen/Window structures of a RtgScreen,
  if present (see for more)
- added new c2p module
- hopefully fixed "16/24 Bit modes for rtgCGX.library on Cybervision Boards" Bug

(Note: About env:powerpc-Variables concerning the FlashROM/CVPPC trouble...
 they are set automatically by the WarpUP 3.1 Installer, as i was now informed)

Contents of driver/video/rtgmaster_user.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                19469   25444  76.5% -lh5- 8f09 Mar 14  1997 demos/dat/tables.dat
[generic]                  428    8256   5.2% -lh5- e6a8 Mar 14  1997 demos/dat/
[generic]                 8158   14040  58.1% -lh5- bc22 Feb 13  1998 demos/flame
[generic]                 1303    3076  42.4% -lh5- e9c8 Jun 29  1998 demos/flamme
[generic]                11046   18132  60.9% -lh5- 8217 Jan 13  1998 demos/mandel
[generic]                54839  126188  43.5% -lh5- 8e82 Jan 13  1998 demos/mywolf
[generic]                 2504    4869  51.4% -lh5- 5733 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a2.pcx
[generic]                 2326    4730  49.2% -lh5- 8578 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a3.pcx
[generic]                  545    3284  16.6% -lh5- e48d Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a4.pcx
[generic]                 1936    4705  41.1% -lh5- 1b4b Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a5.pcx
[generic]                 1643    4222  38.9% -lh5- 4e9e Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a6.pcx
[generic]                  986    3700  26.6% -lh5- 2f7c Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a7.pcx
[generic]                  268    3076   8.7% -lh5- 0299 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a.pal
[generic]                  456     928  49.1% -lh5- 65d0 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/
[generic]                 1643    4222  38.9% -lh5- b1b7 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a0.pcx
[generic]                 1773    6566  27.0% -lh5- 09a3 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/
[generic]                 1343    3089  43.5% -lh5- 1c53 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a1.pcx
[generic]                 1127    3571  31.6% -lh5- a6c2 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a10.pcx
[generic]                 1313    3593  36.5% -lh5- 05fc Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a8.pcx
[generic]                 1127    3571  31.6% -lh5- a6c2 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/a9.pcx
[generic]                   64     162  39.5% -lh5- 37c3 Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/gfx.lis
[generic]                  881    3297  26.7% -lh5- e35b Mar 14  1997 demos/pcx/statback.pcx
[generic]                13039   30476  42.8% -lh5- 3bb5 Aug 13  1998 demos/mandelppc
[generic]                 4994    8784  56.9% -lh5- bd87 Oct 17  1997 goodies/rtgAMI.library.v27
[generic]                 5154   12372  41.7% -lh5- dcad Oct 17  1997 goodies/rtgCGX.library.v27
[generic]                 2859    5480  52.2% -lh5- 32b2 Feb 18  1997 goodies/rtggadtools.library
[generic]                24208   50996  47.5% -lh5- a096 Oct 17  1997 goodies/rtgmaster.library.v27
[generic]                 5265   12880  40.9% -lh5- bb18 Oct 17  1997 goodies/rtgP96.library.v27
[generic]                 2624    4848  54.1% -lh5- a62f Feb  3  1997 goodies/rtgPICA.library.v1
[generic]                  445     813  54.7% -lh5- b32a Jan 15  1998 goodies/Readme.Old.Stuff
[generic]                 4899   11452  42.8% -lh5- 6007 Oct 17  1997 goodies/rtgEGS.library.v27
[generic]                  646    2504  25.8% -lh5- 941f Sep 24  1998 libs/rtgc2p/Azure
[generic]                 1062    2024  52.5% -lh5- 34c9 Feb 13  1998 libs/rtgc2p/cpu040
[generic]                  855    1576  54.3% -lh5- e8b9 Jan 11  1998 libs/rtgc2p/ecs
[generic]                  736    1344  54.8% -lh5- 2f5e Sep 19  1997 libs/rtgc2p/gd
[generic]                  862    1640  52.6% -lh5- 08e0 Jan 11  1998 libs/rtgc2p/leony
[generic]                  456     860  53.0% -lh5- 49c4 Jan  8  1998 libs/rtgc2p/Suzy
[generic]                 2518    4328  58.2% -lh5- 9329 Jun  2  1998 libs/rtgextra.library
[generic]                40100  114292  35.1% -lh5- 0643 Oct  7  1998 libs/rtgmaster.library
[generic]                  253     624  40.5% -lh5- 0e4d Nov 22  1995 libs/
[generic]                11351   23624  48.0% -lh5- 64ae Oct  7  1998 libs/rtg/rtgAMI.library
[generic]                11956   29360  40.7% -lh5- 3f1f Oct  7  1998 libs/rtg/rtgCGX.library
[generic]                 6840   16396  41.7% -lh5- 8b4d Oct  7  1998 libs/rtg/rtgEGS.library
[generic]                12544   31424  39.9% -lh5- 426c Oct  7  1998 libs/rtg/rtgP96.library
[generic]                  251     624  40.2% -lh5- 5059 Mar 24  1997 libs/
[generic]                  834    1840  45.3% -lh5- 0178 Sep 19  1997 libs/rtgc2p/040
[generic]                  576     820  70.2% -lh5- d06a Oct 14  1996 libs/rtgc2p/chunky4
[generic]                 2931   23708  12.4% -lh5- 685e Mar 24  1997 pics/flamme.iff
[generic]                 3152    9766  32.3% -lh5- 0fe5 Mar 24  1997 pics/mandel.iff
[generic]                  248     624  39.7% -lh5- d585 Mar 24  1997
[generic]                  715    1352  52.9% -lh5- 5921 Jun 26  1997
[generic]                 1522    5181  29.4% -lh5- 0a82 May 12  1998 install_rtgmaster
[generic]                  458    1238  37.0% -lh5- d609 Mar 24  1997
[generic]                  252     624  40.4% -lh5- 7cbb Mar 24  1997
[generic]                  270     296  91.2% -lh5- 3b38 Aug 13  1998 mcpramlibpatch
[generic]                  250     624  40.1% -lh5- 92f5 Mar 24  1997
[generic]                 5229   36902  14.2% -lh5- d6ca Mar 24  1997 pics/flame.iff
[generic]                13711   23414  58.6% -lh5- 387d Mar 24  1997 pics/mywolf.iff
[generic]                60139   94720  63.5% -lh5- c1cc Feb 13  1998 pics/zhadoom.iff
[generic]                19014   54499  34.9% -lh5- bfee Oct  7  1998
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        60 files  378396  877050  43.1%            Oct 12  1998
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