Short: HAM graphic converter Author: (Sebastian Sieczko) Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: gfx/conv Version: 1.10.3 Requires: JRE8 Architecture: other URL: ham_convert is a freeware (also free for commercial use) graphic converter written by Sebastian Sieczko that can convert a normal jpg/gif/png image to one of the graphic modes of the Commodore Amiga. Its main use is to produce high-quality hold-and-modify (HAM) images using brute-force search. It can produce ILBM IFF files (Amiga graphic modes: EHB, HAM6, HAM8, 2/4/8/16/32/64/128/256-color indexed, PCHG - 4/8/16/32/EHB modes). This program requires java and should work on any operating system supported by JRE8 or newer.